Betty Shipley Rackleywife of almost 70 years
Rev. Ernest Monroe and Minnie Vaughn Rackleyparents (deceased)
Donald Wayne Rackleyson (deceased)
James Ernest Rackley, Mary Gladys Pruett, and Raymond Doyle Rackleysiblings (deceased)
David Allen and Anna Daniellegrandchildren (deceased)
Nancy Reinhartdaughter-in-law
Donald Jay Rackleygrandson
Andrea Norrisgranddaughter
Johnathan Daniel Rackleygrandson
Adam Christopher Rackleygrandson
Isabella Gracegreat granddaughter
Donald Jay RackleyPallbearer
Johnathan RackleyPallbearer
Adam RackleyPallbearer
Wayne ThomasPallbearer
Joshua WoodsonPallbearer
John MannPallbearer