Born October 26, 1921 to Sam and Millie Harlan, Erma Miller was one of the most loved, christian based women known. She was born the eldest of 8 children. She grew up in Texas, working on cotton farms and doing any job necessary for her family. She was energetic from beginning to end. She always wore a smile. She would pick the cotton, and when the other kids got tired or quit, she never did. She stayed busy all the time. She loved to tell stories of her childhood life. It was a time of love and happiness for her. The family now has a farm in Munday, Texas. She loves to visit there with family and remember a simplier time.
She is preceeded in death by her parents and one brother, Elwood. Left to continue are two sisters, Bobbie, whose husband Charles is deceased and Beth with husband Mitchell. There are 4 brothers Ray,Gay, Bill with wife Charlene, and Sammie with wife Bobbie.
She grew to become a wonderful woman and married Jack Miller. He joined the airforce and Erma followed him from base to base. She loved to tell stories of all their travels. They went to Turkey, England, and what I think was her favorite, Alaska. They were able to pack up and take adventures in Alaska. Erma kept a sharp mind and never forgot her memories. Years later she was able to revisit Alaska and she was able to recall landmarks, the environment, and even see the changes. That was great for her. Eventualy Jack and Erma settled in Shreveport, Louisiana. She lived the remainder of her life there.
During her marriage to Jack, she gave birth to 5 wonderful children, 2 boys and 3 girls. These children were the true joy of her life. She loved to tell stories of their childhood, remembering how much love, fun, and hard work they brought to her life. She felt blessed to have them. She had a true sense of family love which she passedon to them. Her baby, Zane Miller, lived next door to her and cared for her for years before he passed on. She cared for him as well.
After Zane passed, her eldest son, Jack E and wife Debbie, moved next to her to help care for her. Debbie and Erma developed a very special bond. They took care of each other. Erma loved to feel needed and useful. She was a worker and a caregiver. That gave her meaning and purpose in life.
She was preceeded in death by her eldest daughter, June Guidry, and her baby boy, Zane Miller. She left behind a son, Jack Miller with wife Debbie, and two daughters, Sandy Parkerson with husband Mickey, and Donna Brown with husband Jack, who has passed on. They are left to carry on a huge legacy of love, humanity, and true christianity. She has 9 grandchildren, 13 great grandchildren, and 4 greatgrandchildren.
No matter what was going on, Erma never forgot a birthday. She was a permanent fixture for any of her grandkids birthday parties that she could get a ride to. And don't dare think that she was too old to participate, because she was always playing with those grandkids and great grandkids! Erma spent many of her later years working as a Nursing assistant in a catholic based hospital. She loved to tell stories of the nuns who ran a "tight" ship. Everyone she met loved her. There is not a person she met to whom she did not preach to about GOD. She loved her job and the people she worked with. Erma has a real faith, bigger than anyone I know. She attended church on a regular basis and was faithful to her church. She loved the members of her church and enjoyed worship and bible reading. She read every day until the very end.
Erma was a traveler. She went anytime a car did. For many years she and her two sisters would pick a direction and go off. They would take time and enjoy what they saw. They would drive in the day and stop to rest at night. They drove until it was time to come back. She loved to go on these adventures. She talked about them all the time; her memories were again never gone.
Erma Miller was truly a christian woman who was totaly comitted to GOD above all else. I have never met a more dedicated woman. Erma lived to be 92 years old. Shortly thereafter she became suddenly ill. She knew she was sick and it was not what she wanted. She prayed for God to bring her home. On January 24th 2014 at 5pm, God did just that. God brought her home. Those left behind are devastated at the loss but we praise God for allowing her to have the peace and serenity she deserves. We know where she is at. I know that if Erma were here today, she would want this to be said. I am at peace, do not worry for me. Go and spread the word- God is your eternal salvation. John 3:16 For God so loved the world He gave his only begotten son, that whosever believeth in him should not perish but have everlasting life. (KJV) Erma Miller, you are loved by so many and will be forever missed. We do however celebrate your life and your eternal peace with God. Go and be the angel to watch over us all.