Michael Joseph Schwartz, age 77, of Santa Rosa, California passed away on Saturday, May 4, 2024. He was born to parents Martin and Lois on June 24, 1946 in San Francisco, California.
Rest for bodies that are weary. Rest for souls in deep despair. Sweet assurance for His presence, even in a world of care.
Blessed rest in times of trouble. Peaceful harbor in the storm. In the midst of dark depression, rest and safety in His arms.
When the heart is heavy laden, trust the one that loves you best, for He knows about each heartache in His love is blessed heart rest.
Toils of life may make you weary, when you do your very best. Place your head upon your pillow as He gives you sleep and rest.
When life’s sun is quickly setting and you pass that final test, His amazing grace will take you to that final place of rest.