Charles & Lula Horner ParksParents (deceased)

Dorothy Kimbro ParksBeloved wife of 53 Years (deceased)

Mildred Ross "Millie" ParksBeloved Wife

Robert Daniel (Dan) Parks & wife BonnieSon & Daughter-in-law

Matt Thacker & wife MelanieGrandson and wife

Madison & Mason ThackerGreat Grandchildren

Carol & Jim NeilsonMillie's Daughter & Son-in-law

Robert was one of nine children. Four brothers, Truman, Wayne, Fentress and Wilson and threesisters, Willene, Sarah, Cara Van preceded him death. His sister Ruby and several nieces and nephews survive him along with close family friend, Phil Jones and wife Laura.


AuthoraCare/Beacon Place2500 Summit Avenue, Greensboro, North Carolina 27405


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