Mary LeyserWife

Brian Leyser (Christine)Son

Ruth Hernandez (Greg)Daughter

Jennifer De Los Santos (Raymond)Daughter

Vicki Mc DowellDaughter (deceased)

Myrtle LeyserMother (deceased)

Maurice LeyserFather (deceased)

Mr. Leyser leaves 12 grandchildren and three great-grandchildren to honor his memories. He lost one grand daughter and a great grandson as well.


Raymond De Los SantosPallbearer

Greg HernandezPallbearer

Kala De Los SantosPallbearer

Gene KliewerPallbearer

John Mc DowellPallbearer

Brian BurtonPallbearer


Toys for Tots

Servicios Previos

lunes,29 noviembre, 2021

Funeral Service