Robert Lee Landis passed away Friday, December 20th after a long illness. He was born January 29, 1944, to Armella Ryan and Clarence Hanson, and was quickly adopted by Maynard Landis and Dorthy Cox. He was preceded in death by his wife Alice Faye Landis in 2010. He is survived by a daughter, Rebecca Batdorf, four grandchildren: Trevor Penisten, Julia Berkey, Hunter Batdorf, Griffen Batdorf, brother Allen Eldridge, and sister Deborah Johnson of Nebraska. Additional relatives include Diana Eldridge, Shar Brus Croy-Wilbert, Shirley Little, Jean Sain, Marsha Hart, Karen Hart, Shar Brus Croy-Wilbert, Marsha Hout Riley, Edward Hanson, and Marian Hanson.
Bob and Alice were very active in their church and went on mission trips whenever the opportunity arose. Bob’s specialty was bringing joy to the people around him. He was a gifted artist. While he sold a few of his paintings, he mainly gave them away to friends and acquaintances. He enjoyed playing Santa Claus. He was quite convincing with his full beard (and equally full stomach), although his true gift was the twinkle in his eyes, especially when talking with children. One time when he was being driven to a Christmas event in full costume, he pulled up to a stop light. In the car next to him were several very small children who went completely out of their minds as they saw who was sitting next to them.
If Bob had a weakness, it was his excessive generosity. He would give anything he had to anyone who appeared to need it, frequently at considerable loss to himself. He also suffered debilitating chronic illnesses, although they never really got him down. On the bright side, Bob had many true friends. First and foremost would be his many neighbors in the Kinsmoor neighborhood who covered for, and protected, Bob as occasions warranted. Trinity English Lutheran Church provided ongoing support after the passing of his wife. In his later years, he was cared for by the fine people at Byron Health Center. Bob will be missed by many.
A memorial gathering for Robert will be held Thursday, January 2, 2025 from 3:00 PM to 5:00 PM at C.M. Sloan & Sons Funeral Home, 1327 North Wells Street, Fort Wayne, Indiana 46808.