Quiet, reserved and logical are trademark qualities that friends and family might use to describe Frank Frank was an intuitive person. He was the type of person who could comfortably get lost in his thoughts, someone who had tremendous problem solving abilities. Always conscientious and focused on details, Frank was a person who loved to imagine the possibilities of life.
He was the son of John (Jack) & Grace Flynn. Frank was born in Framingham, MA and was raised in North Oxford, MA. Frank did not have to surround himself with people to be content. He was the type of person who enjoyed being alone rather than be part of a large crowd. He could be content for hours in some activity or be lost in his own imagination.
Frank was adaptable and had good listening skills which he would use to his advantage when it came to family life. He grew up with four brothers and one sister, John, Mark, Stephen, Joe and Christine. He rarely shied away from family discussions. He would debate with his siblings but if it turned into an argument, Frank would often turn it into an agreement. In general, the family got along well and shared many memorable experiences.
During high school, Frank excelled at the challenge of learning and was especially good at taking tests and exams. He could delight more in problem solving than in the more routine school work. As long as the intellectual challenges kept coming, Frank was happy. He graduated from St. John's in Shrewsbury, MA in 1981.
If his friends from high school thought Frank was a serious student, then those who knew him later really saw him shine during his college years. Once he set his sights on an academic track that excited him, he would easily pass up his classmates, turning out quality work and setting high academic standards. He earned his Bachelor of Science from Villanova University.
Frank finally found connection and fulfillment when on April 2, 2012; he exchanged wedding vows with Lisa M. Hall the on Sunrise beach in Fort Lauderdale, FL. Lisa was influential in Frank's life and brought a dimension of emotion and feelings to a man who mostly lived in his intellect. Frank grew, blossomed and became more balanced because of their love and compassion.
Frank was a hard worker and a good provider who loved his family even though he wasn’t very demonstrative. Frank was blessed with three step-children, Tony, Jamie and Ashley. Frank's sense of fun was often unleashed in his puns and witty, intelligent quips. It delighted him when the family would get together and banter back and forth with him in this brainy exchange of mind contests. Frank loved his step-children like they were his own.
Finding the right type of job can be a challenge for anyone, but that was especially true for Frank. He needed to find a career that would challenge him. Fortunately, he found a career path where he could use his natural intellect and his natural critical thinking skills. His primary occupation was being an entrepreneur and general contractor. Frank was dedicated to his craft and his company, Wellworks Design Build, Inc.
Frank served in the Coast Guard. Frank was an asset to the military system. He had the ability to appreciate the logic necessary to succeed in a regimented life style.
Hobbies were more than fun for Frank because he challenged himself to learn the theory behind the actual activity. Knowing how things worked was more incentive than just performing and completing the task. His favorite pursuits were sport fishing tournaments and cycling.
Frank found great pleasure by relaxing and watching sports on TV or in person. He was an avid student of the game and enjoyed comparing his ideas and choices with what actually happened during the game. Even though he generally would keep his feelings to himself, Frank would often use athletic events and sports as an outlet. In high school, Frank played baseball and basketball. He also enjoyed just being a sports fan. Tops on his list were football, baseball and basketball.
Frank especially enjoyed time with his pets. He could spend hours in private thought, and his faithful companions would just sit by his side or in his lap. One of Frank's favorites was Celia, a chocolate lab.
Frank E. Flynn passed away on October 16, 2012 at Holy Cross Hospital, Fort Lauderdale, Florida after battling cancer. He is survived by his wife, Lisa, his parents, John and Grace, three step-children, Tony, Jamie and Ashley, five siblings, John (Angelica), Mark (Kristine), Stephen, Joseph (Julie) and Christine (Steven) Golub, five nieces, Callen, Alexa, Brenna, Merris and Olivia and two nephews, Andrew and Michael and his mother-in-law, Judy.. Services were held at St. Anthony's Catholic Church.
Those who knew and loved Frank will miss his quiet gentleness, his curiosity and his ability to often turn work situations into fun experiences. He leaves all those who knew him with many wonderful memories.