Jason Shengcheng Chi died December 6, 2018, aged 76. He was loved by many friends and family members and will be greatly missed by all who knew him. He was born in Taipei, Taiwan, graduated from National Taiwan University (the #1 university in Taiwan), and came to the United States in 1966. He worked as a waiter on the East Coast before moving to East Lansing, where he earned a Master's degree in Agricultural Economics at Michigan State University. He worked as a bartender at the Capital Park Hotel in Lansing, ran a stationery shop in Manhattan, sorted mail at the post office, and retired as a statistician for the State of Michigan in 1997.
He made the most of his 20+ years of retirement. He traveled the world—Australia, Asia, Europe, Northern Africa, North America—and drove across the United States many times, visiting almost all 50 states. This year, he took a month-long road trip with two brothers, driving from Michigan to visit family in California, friends in Washington, and see the sights in between. He discovered tennis in 1985 and spent many happy hours at the tennis club, playing tennis but also working out, enjoying the sauna, and socializing. He enjoyed visiting with his friends daily and drinking senior coffee. He also appreciated the peaceful grounds and kind people at the Dhammasala Temple. A memorial tree will be planted in his name next to the Temple. He was known as a generous friend, volunteer driver, and unfailing helper.
Over the years he paved the way for several family members to immigrate to the US from Taiwan. He was Uncle to numerous nieces and nephews and their kids, as well to the children of friends. With his own children he was supportive and encouraged them to pursue their dreams and to “stay healthy, be happy.” In later years, the family tradition was to spend Christmas in California, with summer visits in Michigan re-exploring the state and passing many happy hours playing euchre and board games. His absence is felt as an enormous loss by his family. He is survived by his wife of 46 years Margo; his daughter Sumei and son-in-law Matthew of Berkeley, CA; son Benjamin of Los Angeles, CA; sister Yue-Ru (Et-Jean/Ines); brothers Shengyang (Hero/Donald), Shengyuan (Moto/David), and Shengho (Aho/James); and many relatives. He was preceded in death by his parents and brothers Shinn-I (Shinnchiang) and Shenshan (Shozo/Samuel).