Jessie Bell WilsonFather (deceased)

Cecile Marshburn WilsonMother (deceased)

Lynton B. Wilson, III and wife JennySon

Lauren Jackson and husband DavidDaughter

John B. Wilson and wife AnnberlySon

Jason Jackson and wife ElizabethSon

Alexandrea WilsonGrandchild

Gabriel WilsonGrandchild

Ashlyn WilsonGrandchild

Luke WilsonGrandchild

Connor JacksonGrandchild

Bailey JacksonGrandchild

Debbie BestLoving Companion

JoAnn WilsonWife of 20 Years

Eleanor Lawrence and husband NobleSister

Luther Wilson and wife BettyBrother

Joe WilsonBrother (deceased)

Jincy WilsonSister-in-law


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