Survivors include her children, Natalie Duplechin and husband, Wayne, and Howard Nelson; daughter-in-law, Richelle Nelson, all of Dequincy; her siblings, Billy Dowers of Dequincy, Jerald "JW" Dowers of South Carolina, Jackie Royer of Dequincy, Sandra Sue Clark of Singer, and Connie Gobep of Toledo Bend; four grandchildren, Jason Puryear, Bryan Puryear, Hagan Nelson, and Katelyn Nelson; nine great-grandchildren; and a host of nieces and nephews. She is preceded in death by her husband, Jack Allen Nelson; her son, Craig Allen Nelson; her parents, Joseph and Annie Johnson; and a brother, Danny Boy Johnson.


Jason PuryearActive Pallbearer

Bryan PuryearActive Pallbearer

Hagan NelsonActive Pallbearer

Jeff RoyerActive Pallbearer

Kevin ClarkActive Pallbearer

Kory ClarkActive Pallbearer


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