Linda Carol Conley, Female, 73 years old, lived 23 years in Pixley, CA. She was born April 20, 1943 in the state of California.
She passed away April 25, 2016 in Tulare, California. She was a House Wife.
Linda Carol Conley is survived by her Husband, Marvin Ray Conley, and 5 children. Daughter Christina Johnson, Charolette Oneil, Kim Daley,
Sons Bobby Rackley and Jimmy Dean Edwards.
(120 grandchildren, and (10) great grandchildren
Linda Carol Conley is preceded in death by her mom and dad, Marggie and Clerence Hartsfield, Brother Jr. Hartsfield, Sister Alice Sotello
Services will be held at Delano, CA. 04/29/2016
David Oneil, Bobby Rackley, Jonathan Rackley, and Joe Daley
Presiding Clergy will be Bob Kennedy