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Richard CarpenterChild

David (Jackie) CarpenterChild

Minister Calvin (Kattie) CarpenterChild

Vernon CarpenterChild

Lillian CarpenterChild

Kedrick CarpenterGrandchild

Keandra CarpenterGrandchild

Deja CarpenterGrandchild

Ruby FlowersSister

Evangelist Sharon HayslettSister

Gloria (Danny) WeatherspoonSister

Marilyn (Bishop David L.) WalkerSister

Frances MarshallSister

Walter (Dorothy) HayslettBrother

Anthony "Tony" HayslettBrother

Survivors also include several great grandchildren and a host of nieces and nephews. She was preceded in death by her parents; son, Theodore Carpenter Jr, Kenneth Ray Carpenter Sr; daughter, Donna Jean Carpenter and fourteen siblings.


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Lugar de descanso final

Marlene Rosella Toney

Contact us for flower removal schedule.