Wife: Nancy Welch Children: Jessica (Paul) Nicholson, Joe (Melissa Plew) Welch, John Welch, Sarah Portis, Sydney (Kenan) Warren, Justin (Katie) Wigginton and Holly (Cody) Parson Honorary Children: Spud Lasseter and Layne Welch Grandchildren: Kaileb (Alejandra Avila) Welch, Jackson Welch, Michael Nicholson, Savannah Welch, Seth Wigginton, Valen Warren, Oliver Parson, Aeryn Nicholson, John Sheppard Welch, Jack Portis, Jace Wigginton, Quinn Portis, Ethan Wigginton, Nico Welch, Tyler Wigginton, Ezra Warren Great Grandchild: Alayna Welch Preceded in death by his parents: Harry and Opal Welch and his brothers: Larry Welch and Scott Welch


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