Robert Tucker ElkinsHusband (deceased)

Brenda PettusDaughter

Charlie PettusSon-in-law

Gary ElkinsSon

Anita ElkinsDaughter-in-law

Francis GrahamSister

Don WeeksBrother

Charles T. PettusGrandchild

Sha PettusGrandchild-in-law

Lori GrantGrandchild

Scott GrantGrandchild-in-law

Lisa HuffstutlerGrandchild

Gerald HuffstutlerGrandchild-in-law

Brooklyn GrantGreat Grandchild

Sumerlyn GrantGreat Grandchild

Kierstyn HuffstutlerGreat Grandchild

Colton HuffstutlerGreat Grandchild

________________ ____________________________________________ (deceased)

Driscoll P WeeksFather (deceased)

Myrtie Cone ElkinsMother (deceased)

Mrs. Elkins also leaves 3 grandchildren and 4 great grandchildren to cherish her memory.


Ricky Welch

Ricky Hinkle

Kim Carlise

Scott Grant

Gerald Huffstutler

Charles Pettus

Servicios Previos

miércoles,19 diciembre, 2018


jueves,20 diciembre, 2018

Celebration of Life

jueves,20 diciembre, 2018
