Richard and Anne RogersParents

Nicholas RogersBrother

FinnCaitlin's Beloved Dog

Mike and Sarah ButrumGrandparents

Ginny RogersGrandmother

Bill and Jan MortonGrandparents

Caitlin is also survived by her uncle and aunt, Michael Butrum, and Amanda Knight, her cousin, Loki Butrum, her uncle and aunt, Matt and Heather Deupree, her cousins Alyssa and Parker Deupree, her uncle and aunt, Beach and Lindsay Hensley, her cousins, Beachler and Levi, her uncle and aunt Christopher and Cindy Rogers, and her cousins, Ellie, Amelia, and Grace. She is survived by numerous other uncles, aunts, and cousins. She was recently proceeded in death by her grandfather, Earl “Pops” Rogers.


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