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Lother WilliamsFather (deceased)

Haynie WilliamsMother (deceased)

Inez WilliamsWife (deceased)

Nancy SankeyDaughter

Cathy WilliamsDaughter-in-law

Chris Williams (Couri)Grandson

Jennifer WilsonGranddaughter

Trey WilsonGreat Grandson

Kathryn WilliamsSister (deceased)

Hoyt WilliamsBrother (deceased)

James WilliamsBrother (deceased)

He is preceded in death by his wife, Inez; son, Ronald; parents, Lother and Haynie; sister, Kathryn; brothers, Hoyt and James. He is survived by his daughter, Nancy Sankey; Daughter-in-law, Cathy Williams; grandson, Chris (Couri) Williams; granddaughter, Jennifer Wilson; and great grandson, Trey Wilson.He is preceded in death by his wife, Inez; son, Ronald; parents, Lother and Haynie; sister, Kathryn; brothers, Hoyt and James. He is survived by his daughter, Nancy Sankey; Daughter-in-law, Cathy Williams; grandson, Chris (Couri) Williams; granddaughter, Jennifer Wilson; and great grandson, Trey Wilson.


Cancer Research Institute 29 Broadway, Floor 4, New York, New York 10006-3111

Macular Degeneration Association5969 Cattleridge Boulevard, Sarasota, Florida 34232


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Lugar de descanso final

Oliver Lamar Williams

Masonic Mausoleum

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