Maria Antonia Serrano, 71, of Freeport, Texas passed away to be in the grace of our Lord on January 19th, 2021. Antonia was born on April 30th, 1949 in Guanajuato, Mexico to her late parents Cipriano Guevara and Isabel Crespo.
Antonia was a joy to be around with. She was a vibrant soul who enjoyed serving and praising the Lord, listening to music, dancing, laughing and cooking delicious meals for her family and friends to enjoy. She took pride in the children she raised and loved talking about anecdotes of them growing up. She was an exceptional grandmother who gave her all to her grandchildren.
Antonia is survived by her husband Antonio Serrano, her five children Fernando, Agustin, Isabel, Miguel, and Angelica; by her eighteen grandchildren, her seven great grandchildren, her three daughters in law, and her two sons in law.
Maria Antonia Serrano, 71, de Freeport, Texas paso a estar en la Gloria de nuestro Señor el día 19 de enero del 2021. Antonia nació el 30 de Abril de 1949 en Guanajuato, México. Sus padres Cipriano Guevara y Isabel Crespo.
Antonia era una persona que causaba alegría a quien la rodeaba. Ella era un alma vibrante que disfrutaba server y adorar a nuestro Señor, escuchar música, bailar, reír, y cocinar deliciosos platillos para ser disfrutados por sus familiares y amistades. Ella se enorgullecía de los hijos que crio y amaba hablar de anécdotas preciosas para ella acerca de ellos. Era una abuelita excepcional que daba todo su ser por sus nietos.
Antonia es sobrevivida por su esposo Antonio Serrano, sus cinco hijos Fernando, Agustín, Isabel, Miguel y Angelica; por sus dieciocho nietos, siete bisnietos, tres nueras, y sus dos yernos.