In His Image
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Centennial, Colorado 80122
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Joyful Laughing Child
When I close my eyes, I like to see a place that’s out of doors
There are no walls, the sun is shining and will forever more
I like to walk around this place. I like to feel its peace
For in this place, I can play games like tag and hide and seek
It’s filled with beautiful colors made by flowers, plants and trees
I walk among its gardens and can feel its calming breeze
When I’m here, I’m not alone and this is the best part
I’m with my little daughter that lives within my heart
She sings with me and talks with me, a voice I’ve never heard
I wish to spend eternity in this garden here with her
I try to leave to go get others to play with us here
She pulls me back, holds me tight and whispers in my ear
Oh Papa, my silly dad, you know this cannot be
Where only here inside your heart, where all the world can’t see
But for now I ask you, and you must grant, this request for me
That you will do your very best so you’ll return to me
I have a mother and sister and a brother too
And Grandparent, oh the grandparents, of them I have a few
Please Papa, just for me, hold them close to you
And tell them all the things I say when I’m with you
Tell them that I love them, tell them that I miss them
Tell them we will meet again
Tell them that I’m happy, tell them that I’m busy
Preparing a place for them
I will fill the walls with works of art, hand-painted just by me
And we can all be together throughout eternity
And when they come to see me tell them to look for the smile
Of your loving caring daughter, your joyful laughing child
-Juliette’s Papa