Beloved husband of the late Roberta (Schreider) Epstein. Devoted father of Elayne Weinstein and her husband Eric and Paul Epstein and his wife Christine. Loving brother of Joan Goldstein and her husband Jeffrey. Cherished grandfather of Joshua, Tovah, Kelsey, and Sean; uncle of Mark, Helen, Carl, and Sandi. Aaron is predeceased by parents David and Mary (Goldberg) Epstein and brother Jason Epstein.
Funeral services on Friday, May 19 at 10:00 AM at Stanetsky Memorial Chapel, 475 Washington Street, Canton. Interment at Congregation Agudas Achim Cemetery in Brockton.
Livestream Link:
Shiva at the home of Elayne and Eric Weinstein following interment and continuing Sunday & Monday 1-4 PM and 6-8 PM.
In lieu of flowers, expressions of sympathy may be donated to, Jewish Family & Children's Service (, or National Pediatric Cancer Foundation (