He was born November 18, 1951 in Hong Kong to father, Wong Gang Ching and mother, Chow Lai Wun. He grew up there with his sister and six brothers. He immigrated to Canada in 1972, met his wife thereafter and raised their three daughters in Richmond, BC. Sam was a man of few words, but when he did speak, his dry sense of humour would make everyone laugh. He was a wonderful storyteller, especially if it was about history. He was always handy, with his many tools and gadgets, he loved music, and owned his own electronics business for many years in South Surrey.
Sam is survived by his loving wife of 41 years Betty; daughters Cynthia, Samantha, Charlene; sons-in-law Brian, Ryan, Travis; grandchildren Savannah, Ryland, Lucas, Dominic, Leilani, and a baby arriving next year. He is also survived by his sister, Lily, three brothers, King Hing, Thomas (Sharon), Jimmy (Amy), and many nieces and nephews in Canada and Hong Kong.
Sam will be laid to rest by his family on November 9, 2022 and his final resting place will be at Ocean View. A celebration of life will be held in December. In lieu of flowers, we kindly ask family and friends to consider making a donation to the Parkinson Society British Columbia.
黃瑞卿 於 10 月 26 日因冠狀動脈撕裂突然離開我們,享年 70 歲。臨終前在家人的陪伴下與世長辭。
他於 1951 年 11 月 18 日出生於香港,父親是黃鏡清 ,母親是周麗雲。他和他的姊姊和六個兄弟在香港長大。他於 1972 年移民加拿大,此後在列治文,卑詩省遇到了他的妻子並撫養了他們的三個女兒。瑞卿是個寡言少語的人,但每當他說話時,他的冷幽默都會讓每個人會心一笑。他是一個很會講故事的人,尤其是在講歷史的時候。他總是很親力親為,利用許多工具和小玩意去製造及創作,他亦熱愛音樂,並在素里市擁有自己的電子業務多年。
瑞卿留下了與他相愛 41 年的妻子 孔秀儀;女兒 家碧,家慧,家雯;女婿王錫基, 陳均權, 卓琛;孫子 陳慧儀、陳偉倫、王子傑、王子琛、黃倩儀。他的姊姊 黃如卿、三個兄弟、黃景卿、黃維卿、黃銳卿 以及加拿大和香港的許多侄女和侄兒。
瑞卿將於 2022 年 11 月 9 日由他的直系親屬安葬,最後安息地點將在 Ocean View。12月將舉行生命慶典。代替鮮花,我們懇請家人和朋友考慮向 British Columbia Parkinson Society捐款。