Danny was born to Ruth Elizabeth and Mario Alonso Mira on August 3, 1993, in Glendale Memorial Hospital, in Glendale Ca. He grew up in Burbank, where he attended YMCA Pre-School, Roosevelt Elementary School, Saint Finbar Catholic School, Providence High School, and eventually graduated from John Burroughs High School. He also attended College of the Canyons in Santa Clarita, Ca. and worked part-time as a counselor assistant at Pasadena City College in Pasadena, Ca.
In his earlier years, Danny showed he was very independent. At the age of 4, Danny grew tired of his training wheels on his bicycle. So he went to his Dad's tool box, took out a wrench and removed the training wheels off his bicycle all on his own. He then reinstalled the nuts and bolts and took off riding his bike. Since then, he was an avid bicyclist. At the age of 9, he got a skate park ID and he would spend the weekends and summers learning tricks and practicing on his skateboard all on his own. During this same time, his father bought him his first dirt bike that he enjoyed riding. Danny earned two Black Belts in Tae Kwon Do, and was a good swimmer and ice-skater. In high school, Danny took culinary arts classes where he learned to love cooking.
Although Danny was a very talented man in a lot of different ways, his biggest love and passion was music. He always expressed that music changed his life. He knew music was important to him, even at the young age of 9 years old. Danny played the guitar, ukulele, piano and violin, and also sang and rapped with his beautiful voice. He began his vocal training at Providence High School where he sang in the chorus. In his formative years he played electric guitar with a local band, and even had the privilege of performing at the famous Troubadour, in West Hollywood.
Danny dedicated himself to music production, and had an amazing talent doing it. He was an avid writer and producer of song and rap lyrics, and he put together many beautiful music mixes sampling his favorite beats and songs. He created many CD’s and music videos. Some of his creations and performances can be seen on YouTube.
Danny will be remembered mostly for his love of music, his fun demeanor, for being an amazing friend and his infectious smile that could brighten anyone that needed a smile.
Danny is survived by his parents, Ruth Elizabeth and Mario Alonso Mira; his two sisters, Cristina Elizabeth and Natalie Eugenia Mira; and his girlfriend, Theresa Dionisio. He also is survived by "Rambo" his rabbit, and "Louie" the family dog.
Danny, with Eternal Love, we are going to miss you forever. May Jesus Christ our Lord be with you always.
A viewing and Rosary will be on Friday, March 13, at 5:30 pm (Rosary at 7pm) at Valley Funeral Home at 2121 W. Burbank Blvd., Burbank, Ca. 91506.
The Funeral Mass will be on Saturday, March 14, at 10:30am at Saint Finbar Catholic Church at 2010 W. Olive Ave. Burbank, Ca. 91506. Burial will be held right after the mass, at 12pm at Forest Lawn Memorial Park at 6300 Forest Lawn Dr., Los Angeles, Ca. 90068. His final resting place will be in the Court of Valor.
Daniel Eduardo Mira, 21, de Burbank, California, murió Miércoles, 04 de marzo 2015.
Danny nació a Ruth Elizabeth y Mario Alonso Mira el 3 de agosto de 1993 en Glendale Memorial Hospital, en Glendale Ca. Creció en Burbank, donde asistió a la YMCA Pre-School, la Escuela Primaria Roosevelt, la Escuela Católica de San Finbar, la escuela secundaria de Providence, y finalmente, se graduó de la Escuela Secundaria John Burroughs. También asistió a la universidad de los Cañones en Santa Clarita, California y trabajó a tiempo parcial como asistente de consejero en Pasadena City College en Pasadena, Ca.
En sus primeros años, Danny demostró que era muy independiente. A la edad de 4, Danny se cansó de sus ruedas de entrenamiento en su bicicleta. Así que se fue a su caja de herramientas de su padre, sacó una llave y retiro las ruedas de entrenamiento de su bicicleta todo por su cuenta. A continuación, volvió a instalar las tuercas y los tornillos y se fue montado en su bicicleta. Desde entonces, él era un ávido ciclista. A la edad de 9, consiguió un carnet de monopatín y pasaba los fines de semana y veranos aprendiendo trucos y practicando en su patineta todo por su cuenta. Durante este mismo tiempo, su padre le compró su primera moto que le gustaba montar a caballo. Danny ganó dos cinturones negros en Tae Kwon Do, y era un buen nadador y patinador sobre hielo. En la escuela secundaria, Danny tomó clases de artes culinarias donde aprendió a amar la cocina.
Aunque Danny era un hombre muy talentoso en un montón de maneras diferentes, su mayor amor y pasión era la música. Siempre expresó que la música cambió su vida. Sabía que la música era importante para él, incluso a la temprana edad de 9 años de edad. Danny tocaba la guitarra, ukelele, piano y violín, y también cantaba canciones y rap con su hermosa voz. Comenzó su formación como cantante a Providence High School, donde cantó en el coro. En sus años de formación el tocó la guitarra eléctrica con una banda local, e incluso tuvo el privilegio de realizar en el famoso Troubadour, en West Hollywood.
Danny se dedicó a la producción de música, y tenía un talento increíble haciéndolo. Él era un ávido escritor y productor de canciones y letras de rap, y producto muchas hermosos mezclas de música con muestreo de sus ritmos y canciones favoritas. Creó muchos CDs y videos musicales. Algunas de sus creaciones y actuaciones se pueden ver en YouTube.
Danny será recordado sobre todo por su amor por la música, su divertido comportamiento, por ser un amigo increíble y su contagiosa sonrisa que podría iluminar cualquier persona que necesita una sonrisa.
Danny sobrevive sus padres, Ruth Elizabeth y Mario Alonso Mira; sus dos hermanas, Cristina Elizabeth y Natalie Eugenia Mira; y su novia, Teresa Dionisio. También le sobreviven "Rambo", su conejo, y "Louie" el perro de la familia.
Danny, con amor eterno, te vamos extrañar para siempre. Que Jesucristo nuestro Señor esté siempre contigo.
Una velorio y Rosario se llevará acabo el viernes 13 de marzo a las 5:30 pm (Rosario a las 7:00) en Valley Funeral Home en el 2121 W. Burbank Blvd., Burbank, Ca. 91506.
La misa funeral será el sábado 14 de marzo a las 10:30 am en la iglesia católica de San Finbar en 2010 W. Olive Ave. Burbank, Ca. 91506. El entierro tendrá lugar justo después de la misa, a las 12h en el Forest Lawn Memorial Park en 6300 Forest Lawn Dr., Los Angeles, Ca. 90068. Su lugar de descanso final será en el Tribunal de Valor (Court of Valor).