Daniel John Cronin Pagnano, named for his father and grandfather, was born in Baltimore, Maryland on August 3, 1984. His youth was spent in Boston, Massachusetts, culminating in graduation from Trinity Catholic High School in 2002 and a life long love affair with the Boston Red Sox. He moved to Houston, Texas and attended Rice University. His great joys were many -- his compassionate service to elders as a Certified Nursing Assistant, playing the guitar, all film, music and sports, and, especially, his family and his many, many friends. No one could make mashed potatoes like he could. He was six feet of love, adored by his parents Dan and Mary, his sister and brother-in-law Caitie and Marc, his grandparents, his aunts and uncles, and his merry band of cousins and friends. In lieu of flowers donations may be made in Danny's memory to the Society of St. Vincent de Paul, c/o St. Vincent de Paul Church, 6800 Buffalo Speedway, Houston, 77025.