David Anthony Villegas was born on December 5th 1990 to loving parents Manuel and Margarita, their second child. As a baby David had beautiful curly hair and possessed a smile that could light up a room. The curly hair eventually grew out straight but the smile remained the same. Growing up David was an active:curious, energetic and somewhat of a troublemaker. From a young age he grew a very close connection with his uncles and grandparents, especially close because they all lived in the same house with him. David lived the wonders of childhood along side his older brother Danny, forming a life long bond that could never be broken.
He faced some troubling emotions when his younger sister Cynthia was born. In his terrible twos, he became jealous of all the attention drawn to his baby sister. But as the days past, he grew to love her and took the role of her protector whether she liked it or not.
Around the age of five, David was affectionately referred to by family as "El Bandido de Amores" after a popular song. Eventually shortened to simply "Bandido." In his early school years, David had problems learning to read but with hard work and diligence of his loving mother, he eventually caught up to his peers and became a wonder scholar and writer. During this period of his life, David continued to be somewhat of a rebel around the house, yet he was always kind and caring at heart.
During his preteens years, David fell in love with baseball. He always had a special place in his heart for the game, and it was around the age of ten when he grew more interested in the sport. He was signed up to play baseball at a young age, and even got to travel with his teammates to challenge other kids their age. Through baseball David formed many friendships, most of whom continued until the day he passed and beyond. He had great morale as a ball player, always doing what was asked and although not the most talented, he was a hard worker and was always focused on improved. His favorite team has always been the Los Angeles Dodgers, and he absolutely loved going to watch games live at the stadium. His love for sports didn't just stop at baseball, he was also a huge basketball, football, and soccer fan and also played golf for his high school team.
Going into high school, he was excited to meet up with his many teammates who attended different middle schools then him and played baseball together. David was not overly shy or social but he could be described as both at times, he had a somewhat serious demeanor, yet he also possessed a sense of humor at the same time. He was an extremely loyal person, and showed the simplest signs of affection toward everyone he cared for, which proved to be the most important in our lives.
After high school, David was a wonderful cousin too. He always thought about his cousins and worried about them. He would go out of his way to surprise them with gifts from his job at Adidas, like shoes and clothes. His cousins will always remember how wonderful he was and they could count on him always.
David completed his two years in college and wanted to transfer to a University. He was upset at the fact that he was not able to transfer this year, but was sure he would soon. We were sure that he had a great future ahead of him. His coworkers and boss had great respect for him. His boss said he was one of her best employees, and congratulated his parents for raising such a well rounded individual and claimed they had to like him because he worked hard.
In his last days, David lived his life exactly the way he wanted too. He remained active and enjoyed hiking, traveling, playing sports, going to the beach, and seeing some of his favorite artist live on stage. David lived freely and happily, enjoying life for all that it had to offer. He was constantly surrounded by all the people he loved dearly, and still continues to be. He spent his final hours before the accident at home with his beloved grandfather watching the Dodger game.
David will forever be missed and forever be loved. He left his friends and family with small memories that will forever live on within us. His small tokens of gratitude that let you know he cared will remind his loved ones of the abundance of love that he had for everyone, and his beautiful smile will always live in our hearts. David may have passed on and left our physical world, but the caring,loving person he was will never be forgotten.