Anthony Carotenuto, a native of New York City received his early schooling in Brooklyn, NY where he was awarded his bachelor of science degree at St Francis College. He received his M.D. from Marquette Medical School in Milwaukee Wisconsin and interned at Queens General Hospital, Long Island, NY. Dr. Carotenuto entered private practice in June of 1953 in Hicksville, NY until 1975, and then turned his practice over to his associate Dr. Barrett Sklar, when he moved to Le High Acres, Florida. Dr. and Mrs. Carotenuto are the proud parents of six children. Five girls and one boy, and two angels in heaven. During the world war II, Dr. Carotenuto served with the US Army from January 1945 in the Mediterranean and South Pacific's Theaters of Operations. In 1961 he was an attending physician active staff at Central General Hospital in Plainview, NY. Co Chief of the Department of Family Practice of Central General Hospital and on the courtesy staff Division Family Medicine of Syosset Hospital in Syosset, NY. He was president of Mid Island Medical staff and a Charter Member of the American Academy of Family Practice Board. He was associated attending physician at Suffolk Psychiatric Hospital Central Islip, NY from 1967-1973, and was associated attending physician of North East Nassau Psychiatric Physician from 1973-1974. He relocated to Le high Acres, Florida in 1975 at which time he joined a medical group and opened a family practice for the next 10 years. He then moved into Palm Bay and worked as Chief of Emergency medicine for the next 20 years at Sebastian Hospital. Then he semi retired into an Oncology clinic for the last 8 years of his career. His passions were gardening, fishing, golf, cooking and spending time with his dogs, but most of all his wife, the love of his life, Betty. He was loved by all who knew him. He was a true gentleman, right till the end. He will be truly missed- Rest in Peace, until we meet again.