Judy Norman Barton of Austin passed away peacefully June 3, 2011 while surrounded by her husband Bill and her immediate family. She was preceded in death by her parents Grace and Rusty Norman and her brother Charles Norman of Tulsa, Oklahoma.
Born January 27, 1939 in Quanah, Texas, Judy went on to graduate from Borger High School in Borger, Texas as class valedictorian. Judy poured her keen intellect and unquenchable loyalty into her husband Bill, their children and many grandchildren. Judy dedicated herself to family, both living and from previous generations. She was a skilled genealogist and passionate family historian. She was an equally skilled fan of any sport or activity that included her children or grandchildren. No location or physical illness could keep her from supporting her family at countless football, basketball, and baseball games.
Judy loved deeply. Those who knew her well knew that decades of physical illnesses increasingly prevented her from pursuing her many passions. She loved to laugh. She loved to dance. She loved to serve others. Most importantly, she loved Christ. While she could, Judy faithfully served her Lord at Bannockburn Baptist Church in Austin, Texas.
Years of physical illnesses also caused her to depend heavily on numerous health care professionals in the Austin area. She received quality care, with compassion, from all. Judy and her family are especially grateful for Dr. Darren Geyer’s expert care and loving heart.
Judy is survived by Bill, her husband of 53 years, their children Laura Weiss, Clay Barton & wife Sharon, Travis Barton & wife Lisa, all of Austin. Additionally surviving her are grandchildren Sarah Weiss Barr & husband Adam, Matthew Weiss, James Barton, Kyle Barton, Caleb Barton and Mary Lynn Barton, also all of Austin. Judy is also survived by her sister, Suzanne Morgan of Orlando, Florida, her sister in law Barbara Norman of Tulsa, and numerous nieces and nephews.
Funeral services will be in Austin, Texas on Wednesday, June 8, 2011 at 10:00 a.m. at Weed-Corley-Fish Funeral Home at 3125 North Lamar Boulevard, with Pastor Ryan Rush presiding. Burial will follow at the Texas State Cemetery.