Christopher James Holt died Sunday, February 04, 2007 following a three year fight against melanoma. Many hearts are empty and broken. Those closest to him are his Wife and Daughter, Marcie and Madelyn Grace, his Sister and Brother, Sarah and Michael and his Mother and Father, Elizabeth and Richard. He was a big hearted guy with a keen eye for beauty, especially for the beauty he found in Marcie and Madelyn, of whom he was so proud. "They are my two angels" he would say. He had an eye for other beautiful things too, a live oak, a flight of pintails, schooling redfish. He was secretly so proud when Marcie caught more fish than he did! He spent his last comfortable day on this earth looking at the Gulf with a cold north wind blowing away his tears. We're so sorry son we missed that last fishing trip, but we'll make another one when the weather warms up. Chris attended St. Austin's School, Austin High and UT. The last three years were hard but there were few complaints, he knew his family and friends were with him. As only he could say it, when speaking of his Mother, "Dad, you have the best room mate ever! Both of his grandparents, Jim and Edie McKee and Melvin and Gloria Holt served our country as career Army officers. Of this, too, Chris was very proud. He was good at many things, but best as Madelyn's Dad. The entire Holt family is truly grateful for a community of friends. Particular thanks for compassionate care go to the staff of 7 North at Seton and to Chris' new friend, Sister Helen. Hospice-Austin was always ready with every need and Christopher House eased us all through the end. Our physicians, Drs Sandbach, Fredholm and Legett were always there for all of us. Funeral services are at St. Austin Catholic Church, 2010 Guadalupe, at 11:00 a.m. on Wednesday, February 7, 2007. Burial will follow at Austin Memorial Park. Chris would like us to support the American Cancer Society, Hospice-Austin, or the Humane Society.