Ardella Medlin, better known as “Della,” passed away peacefully on May 11, 2023. Della (aka “Momma Medlin”) was a force in her children’s and grandchildren’s lives. A single mother, she raised her children with an iron fist and a loving heart. She was a great friend, a “mom” to many, a fierce UNC Tarheel basketball fan (yelling at the TV to make the team score), involved in Boy Scouts of America for over 30 years, serving as Committee chair, Round Table Commissioner, and serving on Eagle Boards of Review, earning her the “God Send” award in addition to other accolades. In addition, she served her church for over 40 years, serving as an Elder, a Deacon, running the Room in the Inn for homeless men, assisted with the children’s choir and the acolytes. Her greatest love was her grandchildren whom she adored and cherished with all her heart. She is extremely loved and extremely missed.
Della is survived by her children, Laura Medlin Forrest (Holly Springs, NC) and Dana Medlin (Phoenix, Az), and her grandchildren, Jessi Medlin, Addie Medlin, Bo Forrest and Noah Forrest.
Friends and family are invited to share happy memories of Della with each other on June 17, 2023 from 11:00 – 1:00 at the Family Life Center at Central Steele Creek Presbyterian Church in Charlotte, NC located at 9401 South Tryon Street.
In lieu of flowers, please consider a donation in memory of Della to one of the following charities: Arizona Search Dogs Parents for Troop 320
Boy Scout Troop 45 c/o Central Steele Creek Presbyterian Church (address above).
Fond memories and expressions of condolences can be shared online at for the Medlin family.