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Acerca de

At Sunrise Burial Park in Fairlawn, Virginia, we have provided cemetery services for families in the Radford community since 1941. With sweeping hilltop views, mature trees and well-maintained landscaping, our cemetery property provides families with a peaceful and serene setting for remembering and honoring their loved ones.

Many burial options available

Private estates at Sunrise Burial ParkWe offer a wide variety of burial, entombment and cremation memorialization options at Sunrise Burial Park to suit every family's needs. Whether you choose traditional ground burial with upright or flat markers, interment in a private family estate, entombment in a private mausoleum or something else entirely, our associates will be there to help you make this important decision. One of our most beautiful sections is Professors Row, which offers gorgeous views of the Radford area.

Notable burials

Through the course of our history, many prominent Radford leaders have been buried at Sunrise Burial Park, including John Preston McConnell (the first president of Radford University), John Nichols Dalton (the 63rd governor of Virginia and a state senator) and James Clinton Turk (a state senator and judge for the District Court of the Western District of Virginia).

Trusted provider

We are a proud member of the Dignity Memorial® network of funeral, cremation and cemetery service providers, offering quality, compassionate care and service you can trust. Whether you need immediate assistance or have questions about making arrangements in advance, our knowledgeable team members are here to help.

Visit us

Sunrise Burial Park is located at 7728 Round House St. one mile north of Radford on Route 11 in Fairlawn. We invite to you stop by to take a tour of the cemetery property and meet our associates.

Highland Memory Gardens

Signage at Highland Memory GardensWe also offer services at Highland Memory Gardens, located at 5555 Lee Highway, Dublin, Virginia, 24084. With gently rolling, green space filled with mature trees, which provide shade and a beautiful natural setting, Highland Memory Gardens has provided memorialization options for residents of Pulaski County since 1956. This Dublin location features several biblically themed gardens as well as a Masonic garden. 

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