
  • Espacio flexible para eventos
    La localidad puede albergar sus eventos personales
  • Sección de cementerio para veteranos
  • Recientemente renovada
  • Espacio de capilla flexible
    Nuestra capilla puede ser utilizada para albergar sus eventos religiosos
  • Pabellón exterior
  • Piano/órgano en el lugar
  • Espacio flexible para eventos
    La localidad puede albergar sus eventos personales
  • Recientemente renovada
  • Sección de cementerio para veteranos
  • Espacio de capilla flexible
    Nuestra capilla puede ser utilizada para albergar sus eventos religiosos
  • Pabellón exterior
  • Vistas al agua
  • Múltiples capillas
  • Capilla de gran capacidad (250)
  • Espacios de cementerio disponibles
  • Lápidas y criptas personalizadas
  • Lotes familiares
    Los Lotes Familiares son un tributo distinguido al legado familiar. Se pueden personalizar con vitrales, bancos y paisajismo
  • Lápidas planas
    Lápidas de tumbas en el material de su preferencia que se asientan a ras del suelo
  • Lápidas verticales
    Lápidas tradicionales verticales
  • Mausoleos
    Espacios privados o comunitarios para urnas y ataúdes, que pueden ser interiores o exteriores
  • Salón de café
  • Permite mascotas
  • Cementerio en el lugar
  • Eventos con servicio de comida
  • Servicio de guante blanco
    Localidades que ofrecen el más alto nivel de servicio y cuidado
  • Amplia área de recepción
  • Planificación de eventos
    Servicios disponibles para apoyar la planificación de eventos
  • Celebraciones al aire libre
    Opciones para realizar sus celebraciones personalizadas al aire libre en nuestra propiedad
  • Arreglos por teléfono y correo electrónico
    planificación completa del funeral sin necesidad de una visita a la funeraria
  • Producción de tributo en video
    Servicios disponibles para crear un video tributo para el servicio u obituario a partir de fotos y videos.
  • Equipos de audio y video
  • Música en vivo disponible
  • Selecciones de música popular
  • Área recepción íntima
  • Espacio para reuniones
    espacio disponible para reuniones de empresas y organizaciones
  • Ceremonia de colocación
    Ceremonia en la que se coloca la lápida en la tumba de su ser querido.
  • Velorios toda la noche
  • Velorios en casa
    servicios disponibles para coordinar visitación u observación en una residencia privada
  • Escolta policial disponible
  • Entrega de flores en el cementerio
  • Funerales multiculturales
  • Selecciones de música latina
  • Diseño feng shui
  • Sección de cementerio católico
  • Sección de cementerio musulmán
  • Sección de cementerio judío
  • Quema de incienso
  • Shomer disponible
  • Lavado ritual
  • Comida kosher
  • Joyas de remembranza de cremación
  • Sala de observación de cremación
  • Opciones de cementerio de cremación
  • Nichos de cremación
  • Entrega de cenizas a domicilio
  • Envío de cenizas por correo
  • Jardines de cremación
  • Spanish/Español
  • French/Français
  • Vietnamese

Recorra nuestro cementerio

Los cementerios honran a los seres queridos y les dan a las generaciones futuras un lugar para recordar y reflexionar. Elegir una propiedad de cementerio es un paso importante para rendir homenaje a vidas especiales y dejar un legado duradero.


Acerca de

Moore Funeral Home and Moore Memorial Gardens provide Arlington and surrounding areas with meaningful and compassionate care. Though times have changed in the more than 100 years since Hugh M. Moore opened his downtown funeral business, our outstanding commitment to families has not.

Working together, the Arlington funeral home and cemetery allow you to handle all your funeral and burial arrangements in a way that celebrates life.

Our Arlington, Texas, funeral home

Chapel at Moore Funeral HomeLocated just south of I-30 and just west of Six Flags Over Texas and AT&T Stadium, Moore Funeral Home is spacious and comfortable.

The red brick funeral home marries modern facilities with time-honored tradition. A large funeral chapel seats up to 250 guests, while a smaller chapel was specially designed to serve communities with rituals that burn incense. Large visitations rooms are equipped with the latest audio/visual equipment so our team can take your family photographs and videos to create a memorable multimedia presentation. Should you wish to host a catered event, 3 reception areas accommodate everything from a cupcake bar to a sit-down dinner—and we can take care of the food and drinks.

Memorial service planning experts

At Moore Funeral Home, we know that every life is unique and every family is different. Our team, like our clientele, is diverse and experienced with a variety of religious and ethnic traditions. That’s not to say, however, that we assume anything. We take the time to ask questions and learn about each individual before helping design a service.

Whether you want a cremation with a personal eulogy, a veteran’s service with military honors or an outdoor celebration that tells a story with a live band, a full bar and some of the best barbecue in Dallas–Fort Worth, we are the experts in planning a truly memorable memorial.

Private on-site crematory

For families who choose the time-honored tradition of cremation, our full-service funeral home operates its own crematory. This gives Moore Funeral Home complete control of a cremation, start to finish, and means your loved one never leaves our care. You can choose a cremation following a funeral service, a cremation preceding a funeral service or cremation without a service at all. If you wish, cremated remains can be interred at Moore Memorial Gardens.

Contact us

Generations of families have depended on Moore Funeral Home in Arlington to provide personalized funeral, cremation and memorial services. For more information, please call us.

Moore Memorial Gardens cemetery

Entrance at Moore Memorial GardensPeace and solitude are hallmarks of Moore Memorial Gardens in North Arlington. Although our beautiful property is the final resting place for a number of celebrities, the cemetery is a place for all people, regardless of social, cultural or religious background. It offers many choices for memorialization. Whatever your preference, there is an option that reflects your family’s culture or tradition.

A range of cemetery property options

With sweeping green lawns and complementary landscaping, Moore Memorial Gardens comprises 81 acres with several outdoor mausoleums and gardens with names like Faith, Peace and Devotion. These established areas offer a range of burial options. Each has unique characteristics, such as a graceful statue or water feature. There are 2 veterans gardens, Valor I and Valor II, as well as a cremation garden near the Court of Hope Mausoleum. A cemetery expansion, Crestview Garden, opened in 2019.

When Moore Memorial Gardens originally opened, it allowed only flat, bronze-on-granite grave markers. In the mid-’90s, the cemetery established Garden of Pines as an upright monument garden next to the funeral home. In the years since, private estates and private mausoleums have been added. The 2019 addition of the first phase of Serenity Hedge Estates created an area for exclusive family estates with upright memorials and benches in premium granite colors. Each estate is accessible by a paved sidewalk.

Beautiful cemetery grounds

Landscaping at Moore Memorial GardensFrom the moment you pass through the cemetery’s stone gates, you will feel comfort here. With sweeping green lawns as far as the eye can see, winding walkways, flowering trees and a pond with a gurgling fountain, the cemetery is an idyllic setting and an invitation to reflect. Though it sits not far from I-30, it feels like a world away.

We invite you to see our cemetery property for yourself. You are welcome to visit Moore Memorial Gardens any time. For a guided tour and more information about our cemetery services, please call us.

Vietnamese services

One in 5 of the funeral services performed at Moore Funeral Home is for a member of the Vietnamese community. The funeral home team includes someone who speaks Vietnamese and people experienced with both Catholic and Buddhist rituals. With a special ventilation system to accommodate the burning of incense, the funeral home’s north chapel was built to serve the Asian community in particular. Moore Memorial Gardens has 2 sections designed specifically for Vietnamese Catholics.

Annual community events

Each year Moore Funeral Home and Memorial Gardens host a number of events to help families continue to remember and celebrate their loved ones. These events include a Mother’s Day service, a Memorial Day celebration and a Candlelight Evening of Remembrance in December. Hundreds of people attend these special tributes.


Signage at Moore Funeral HomeA forward-thinking entrepreneur, Hugh M. Moore opened Moore Funeral Home in May of 1910 in downtown Arlington, near where Arlington City Hall stands today.

That 1st location, on the corner of Main and Mesquite streets, was in the back of E.E. Smith Furniture and House Furnishings. Eventually the firm grew to include 3 Moore Funeral Home locations, situated like birds on a wire along what was Highway 80, from Handley Drive in east Fort Worth to Belt Line Road in Grand Prairie.

Moore adds 2 cemeteries

In 1922, Hugh established Parkdale Cemetery on South Mary Street in Arlington, adjacent to Arlington Cemetery. After Hugh died in November 1949, his wife and 3 sons—Harry, Howard (Gumpy) and Robert (Bob)—took over managing the business. The Moore family had been in the funeral business more than 40 years when they acquired White Chapel Memorial Gardens in what was then far north Arlington. They renamed the cemetery Moore Memorial Gardens and built a funeral home on its grounds in 1963.

Continued growth

Just like their father, the Moore sons had an eye for opportunity and saw that the growing city of Arlington needed a larger funeral home to serve area families. They opened a new funeral home that is 22,000 square feet in size, located at 1219 North Davis Drive, on the grounds of Moore Memorial Gardens in November 1963. The funeral home still operates from that location today.

Thirty-three years later, in 1996, the Moores opened a 10,000-square foot funeral chapel—Moore Bowen Road Funeral Home—to give the people of South Arlington and southeast Tarrant County a more convenient place to plan funerals and cremations.

In 2004, Moore Funeral Home and Moore Memorial Gardens became part of the Dignity Memorial® network, the largest group of funeral, cremation and cemetery service providers in North America.

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Simple can still mean exceptional. Let us show you how.


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