
  • Espacio flexible para eventos
    La localidad puede albergar sus eventos personales
  • Nueva edificación
  • Capilla
  • Capilla de gran capacidad (250)
  • Piano/órgano en el lugar
  • Piano/órgano en el lugar
  • Espacio flexible para eventos
    La localidad puede albergar sus eventos personales
  • Nueva edificación
  • Capilla
  • Capilla de gran capacidad (250)
  • Lápidas verticales
    Lápidas tradicionales verticales
  • Salón de café
  • Permite mascotas
  • Eventos con servicio de comida
  • Servicio de guante blanco
    Localidades que ofrecen el más alto nivel de servicio y cuidado
  • Amplia área de recepción
  • Planificación de eventos
    Servicios disponibles para apoyar la planificación de eventos
  • Celebraciones al aire libre
    Opciones para realizar sus celebraciones personalizadas al aire libre en nuestra propiedad
  • Arreglos por teléfono y correo electrónico
    planificación completa del funeral sin necesidad de una visita a la funeraria
  • Producción de tributo en video
    Servicios disponibles para crear un video tributo para el servicio u obituario a partir de fotos y videos.
  • Equipos de audio y video
  • Música en vivo disponible
  • Selecciones de música popular
  • Área recepción íntima
  • Celebrantes funerarios
    profesionales entrenados en la planificación de servicios memoriales personalizados
  • Velorios toda la noche
  • Entierros y funerales verdes
    Entierros y funerales naturales que enfatizan la simplicidad y la sostenibilidad ambiental
  • Velorios en casa
    servicios disponibles para coordinar visitación u observación en una residencia privada
  • Servicio black car
  • Escolta policial disponible
  • Selecciones de música latina
  • Quema de incienso
  • Lavado ritual
  • Entrega de cenizas a domicilio
  • Envío de cenizas por correo
  • Asistencia para dispersión
  • Cremation burial

Acerca de

Situated at the corner of Gordon Street and Harts Lane in Guelph, Gilbert MacIntyre & Son – Hart Chapel provides traditional funerals, cremations and life celebrations to people from all walks of life. With a chapel that seats more than 250 guests, room for a large reception, plenty of parking and associates who treat every family like their own, we are committed to compassion and the highest level of excellence in everything we do.

The role of Gilbert MacIntyre & Son in this community dates back to 1933, and for more than 90 years, we've guided families through planning end-of-life services that honor loved ones. Though many things have changed in that time, our dedication to professionalism and attention to detail has never wavered.

Guelph neighborhoods served

  • Centennial
  • Downtown
  • Exhibition Park
  • Kortright East
  • Old University
  • St. Georges
  • Sunny Acres
  • The Arboretum
  • The Junction
  • Two Rivers

We also serve the communities of Rockwood, Milton, Cambridge and Kitchener.

Personalized memorials and celebrations of life

Celebration of life venue for services, gatherings and receptions at Gilbert MacIntyre & Son Hart ChapelAt Gilbert MacIntyre & Son – Hart Chapel, we believe that every service should be as unique as the life lived. We capture the essence of your loved one to create an event that honours your special person and gives friends and family a chance to come together and remember.

Whether you want to arrange a traditional funeral service or modern celebration of life, large gathering or more intimate service, we will work with you one-on-one to ensure your needs and budget are met. From casket selection, to floral arrangements to music selections, decor, mementos and more, we guide you through your choices with care.

Our team is well-versed in multicultural services, including those for Italian, Korean, Vietnamese and Filipino families.

Cremation in Guelph

Display table with brass urn, pictures, flowers and glowing candle sitting on top of it at Pacific ViewWe specialize in cremation services that honour loved ones in personalized ways, and families love our transparent pricing. With expertise in scattering ashes and a friendly team who pays attention to every detail, we provide service that is second to none.

More and more people are choosing cremation over traditional burial, but most aren’t familiar with all the choices:

  • a cremation without a funeral or memorial service of any kind.
  • a funeral with your loved one present, followed by cremation.
  • a cremation followed by a scattering, cemetery memorialization or celebration of life—or all three.

We can also arrange for your family to attend your loved one's cremation, if that's your wish.

There are many cremation providers from which to choose. Here's what you can expect when you choose us for your loved one's cremation:

  • Custody of care guaranteed. Our custody-of-care program helps safeguard the identification of your loved one from the time we bring them into our care until the time we return them to your family. We check, cross-check and check again, every step of the way.
  • Exclusive custody of your loved one. We use only crematories owned and operated by Dignity Memorial® providers or trusted partners. Once your loved one is in our custody or that of a trusted partner, they’re in our care until they’re returned to your family.
  • Licensed, certified, conscientious staff. All Dignity Memorial crematory operators in Ontario are licensed and certified by the Cremation Association of North America, or CANA. Only one person at a time is cremated, and the cremation chamber is thoroughly cleaned before the next person is cremated.

Veterans funerals

We deeply appreciate those who have sacrificed for our freedoms and feel privileged to honor veterans and their families in need of funeral and cremation services. We also offer special pricing on veterans services. Your funeral director can tell you everything you need to know.

Grief support and aftercare

The loss of a loved one can be devastating, and many people don't know where to turn or how to cope. We're here to help you during difficult times—you aren't alone. Though the experience of grief can be very isolating, the articles in our grief library can make a difference in your day-to-day life and families who plan services with us get access to our 24-hour Compassion Helpline (services provided by Charles Nechtem Associates).

Rockwood Memorial Trail and Family Memorial Area

In May 1999, Gilbert MacIntyre & Son started the Family Memorial Area and Memorial Trail within the Rockwood Conservation Area.

Located just off Highway 7 in its namesake village, midway between Guelph and Acton, the Rockwood Conservation Area is a 79-hectare public park in what is now the Grand River Conservation Authority. It's a scenic gem, renowned for its majestic vistas, forests and the world's largest concentration of rare glacial pothole formations.

More than 75,000 people visit Rockwood each year, but the park was lacking a well-defined trail network. Forty years of public use has resulted in the trampling of undergrowth required for regeneration of the park's magnificent forests.

Through a long-term agreement with the Grand River Conservation Foundation and the Grand River Conservation Authority, Gilbert MacIntyre & Son contributes $50 on behalf of every family we serve. Each contribution is a footstep along the Rockwood Memorial Trail, a formal walking path for all to enjoy.

A record of the donations and the people they commemorate is kept in a kiosk in the Family Memorial Area. This area is situated away from the hustle and bustle of Rockwood Conservation Area's main camping and day-use areas. From the parking lot at the historic Harris Woolen Mill ruins, you can cross the rustic bridge over the Eramosa River and pass the tumbling waters of the upper mill dam. The Family Memorial Area is secluded and contemplative. It's the site of our annual memorial service held each year in June.

Funeral planning in advance

Arrangement room at Gilbert MacIntyre & Son Hart ChapelIn addition to assisting with an immediate need, Gilbert MacIntyre & Son – Hart Chapel specializes in working with families to make final arrangements in advance. When you plan ahead, you relieve your family from financial and emotional burdens while ensuring your wishes are fulfilled. We offer in-person and virtual consultations, as well as a free Personal Planning Guide.

Lean on us

The caring and dedicated team at Gilbert MacIntyre & Son provides exceptional, compassionate service at one of life's most difficult times. We honour the opportunity to serve you and your family. We consider it a great responsibility when families entrust to us the care of their loved ones.

We are available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Please reach out, day or night, if we may assist with funeral or cremation arrangements in Guelph or if you would simply like a tour of the funeral home. Contact us.


Gilbert MacIntyre & Son Hart Chapel"It was early spring, in 1933, when my father, Gilbert MacIntyre, opened the doors of his funeral parlour on Quebec Street, Guelph," writes Michael D. MacIntyre. He was only 23 years old, but he knew even then that this is what he wanted to do.

"He also ran an ambulance service out of the same location. In 1938, the Dublin Street house was purchased, and our family lived upstairs. I recall many times sitting at the top of the stairs, as quiet as could be, watching people come and go and getting a glimpse of my Dad at work.

"He was my idol and my friend. It was during those quiet moments that I, too, realized that this is what I wanted to do—serve people as a funeral director.

"The Dublin Street house and the neighbouring property have undergone many changes over the years to accommodate the needs of the families in our community. In 1998, we opened the first funeral chapel in the village of Rockwood; and located in the heart of the growing south end of Guelph, the Hart Chapel was built in 2004.

"Although my father passed away in 1994, I know his spirit and influence is still very much alive in Gilbert MacIntyre & Son funeral homes. And I have the privilege of working with my four children: Michael Jr., Peter, Andrew and Stephanie. 'Gib' would be so proud."

Gilbert MacIntyre & Son became part of the Dignity Memorial® network of funeral, cremation and cemetery providers in 2023. Michael MacIntyre and a third generation of MacIntyres are still at the funeral home each day, planning services and helping families honour their loved ones.

Planificación de la celebración de vida

Nuestros planificadores son expertos en celebraciones de vida. Planificamos más celebraciones cada año que cualquier otro proveedor, y sabemos qué hacer para crear un tributo único, hermoso y sincero, con una atención sin igual a los detalles.

Todas las familias que nos confían el servicio de sus seres queridos pueden esperar un evento que incluye:
  • meaningful music celebration of life
  • cherished memories celebration of life
  • a personalized message celebration of life

Comience a planificar una celebración de vida hoy mismo


Inspírese con nuestras ofertas

Al momento de planificar una celebración de vida, su imaginación es el único límite.

Obtener Guía de Precios

Plan a Simple Cremation

Simple can still mean exceptional. Let us show you how.


Exprese sus condolencias con flores y regalos


Ver arreglos

Vintage photos scattered

¿No logra encontrar un obituario?

¿No encuentra lo que está buscando? Busque el obituario de su ser querido en todas nuestras localidades.

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