Olinger Mortuaries


Olinger Mortuaries is dedicated to helping celebrate your life or that of a loved one with a funeral and memorial service befitting the life lived.


Aurora, Morrison, Wheat Ridge, Thornton, Centennial, Castle Rock, Denver

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Proteja a aquellos que ama

Las personas esperan planificar por adelantado grandes compras tales como bodas, casas, automóviles, educación o vacaciones. Un funeral o cremación no debería ser diferente. Usted le da tranquilidad a su familia y la protege de cargas financieras y emocionales innecesarias cuando tiene un plan establecido.


Obituarios Recientes

Cuando se agreguen nuevos obituarios, reciba una notificación por correo electrónico o por teléfono.


Obituarios Recientes

¿Es el momento de empezar?

Hable hoy con un asesor de planificación de Dignity Memorial.

Find out more about Olinger Mortuaries

At Olinger, we are dedicated to helping you celebrate your life or that of a loved one with a funeral and memorial service befitting the life lived. Serving the local community with locations throughout Aurora, Morrison, Wheat Ridge and Thornton, we ensure you not only receive the compassionate care you expect from a locally operated establishment, but also the highest quality of care and value you deserve.

If you expect someone to pass soon, or are at the time of need now, please contact us. Someone is here to answer your call 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.

At Olinger, we're also experts in planning funeral, cremation or cemetery services in advance. Planning ahead is a responsible, caring act that can reduce stress for your grieving loved ones. It’s easy to understand how making decisions now about your final arrangements can help assure those left behind that your wishes are being honored.

Did you know? When you have a pre-paid plan with a Dignity Memorial provider and wish to transfer the plan to another location more than 75 miles away, every detail of your plan moves with you. All of our pre-paid plans are transferable and will be honored by any of the qualifying Dignity Memorial providers in North America. That’s a promise you won’t find anywhere else. Restrictions apply.

Learn more about planning ahead, or contact us and we'll be in touch right away.