
  • Capilla de gran capacidad
  • Centro de celebración de vida
    La localidad está diseñada para celebraciones funerarias personalizadas
  • Recientemente renovada
  • Centro de celebración de vida
    La localidad está diseñada para celebraciones funerarias personalizadas
  • Capilla de gran capacidad
  • Recientemente renovada
  • Eventos con servicio de comida
  • Amplia área de recepción
  • Planificación de eventos
    Servicios disponibles para apoyar la planificación de eventos
  • Arreglos por teléfono y correo electrónico
    planificación completa del funeral sin necesidad de una visita a la funeraria
  • Producción de tributo en video
    Servicios disponibles para crear un video tributo para el servicio u obituario a partir de fotos y videos.
  • Servicio black car
  • Funerales multiculturales
  • Quema de incienso
  • Sala de observación de cremación
  • Envío de cenizas por correo

Acerca de

At Carothers Funeral Home in Stanley, North Carolina, we have been providing funeral and cremation services to Gaston County and the surrounding community since 1928. Throughout the decades, our business has remained a hallmark of professional funeral service in the Gaston County area. And as the needs and desires of Stanley people have changed over the years, so have we.

Personalized funeral service

close up of hand placing garnish on dessert Many people are looking for new ways to celebrate their loved ones. In addition to traditional funerals, we also have customized Celebrations of Life® ceremonies that are designed to encompass the essence of the individual.

Celebrations of Life can been achieved in many ways—often through photographs, videos, mementos and menus designed specifically with that one special person in mind. You now have endless opportunities for unique and memorable memorial events that encourage food, fellowship and storytelling like never before. At Carothers Funeral Home, our certified celebrants are available to assist you in creating a one-of-a-kind tribute to a one-of-a-kind life.

Making arrangements in advance

senior couple looking at tablet on couch Planning final arrangements in advance—whether for yourself or a loved one—are a vital part of every family’s end-of-life plan. At Carothers Funeral Home, our advanced planning services are designed to relieve the emotional and financial burdens during an already difficult and emotional experience.

Planning in advance involves 4 simple steps: reflecting on what you want, recording your wishes, sharing the information with those you love and supporting your choices with comfortable financial arrangements. If you're interested in this planning ahead, please feel free and we can show you the way.

Supporting the Gaston County community

Carothers Funeral HomeEvery year, Memorial Day and Christmas are commemorated and celebrated at Carothers Funeral Home with services that help the Gaston County community remember, honor and heal. Also, every September, public servants are honored at the Hero’s Luncheon.

We support our public servant and veterans. The Dignity Memorial® Public Servant Program provides complimentary memorial services to any member of the police, fire or emergency services who die in the line of duty. In addition, homeless veterans who were honorably discharged can be buried with full military honors at a national cemetery through the Dignity Memorial® Homeless Veteran Burial Program.

Carothers Funeral Home participates in the Step Out Walk Against Diabetes every year for the American Diabetes Association. We're always looking for ways to help the community and our neighbors. In fact, many of our associates are active members of civic clubs, churches and community groups across Gaston County.

Visit us anytime

Please visit us at 412 Main Street to meet our team and tour our beautiful funeral home facility.


Carothers Funeral Home was established in 1928 by Ervin S. Carothers on Page Street in Gastonia, North Carolina. Several years later, C.T. Settlemeyer purchased a portion of the business, creating Carothers & Settlemeyer Funeral Home, which then moved into the former T.W. Wilson home on Franklin Avenue.

The business expands

Carothers Funeral HomeThe funeral home was later sold to the brothers of Ervin Carothers: J. C. Carothers Sr. and E. Woodrow Carothers Sr. These 2 brothers expanded the Carothers Funeral Home business to Belmont, Mt. Holly and Stanley.

In 1954, the Carothers brothers were the 1st people in the area to construct a new building designed specifically as a funeral home. The new funeral home was located at 312 West 2nd Ave., where it remained until 2014.

In 1974, Dallas Funeral Home was purchased from Blair Falls Houser and in 1985, Carothers-Williams Corporation was formed, which also brought Gaston Memorial Park and Hillcrest Gardens into the family.

Ambulance service

Carothers Funeral Home has been taking care of the Gaston County community since the beginning. As was common with funeral homes of the period, Carothers Funeral Home operated a large fleet of ambulances to serve the communities in Gaston County. The ambulance service continued until 1974 when modern emergency medical services were established in the area.

Joining the Dignity Memorial network

Today, we are proud to be members of the Dignity Memorial network of funeral, cremation and cemetery service providers. When you choose Carothers Funeral Home, you not only receive the compassionate care you can expect from a Stanley-operated establishment but also the amenities and benefits you deserve through North America’s largest and most trusted network of funeral, cremation and cemetery providers.

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Planificación de la celebración de vida

Nuestros planificadores son expertos en celebraciones de vida. Planificamos más celebraciones cada año que cualquier otro proveedor, y sabemos qué hacer para crear un tributo único, hermoso y sincero, con una atención sin igual a los detalles.

Todas las familias que nos confían el servicio de sus seres queridos pueden esperar un evento que incluye:
  • meaningful music celebration of life
  • cherished memories celebration of life
  • a personalized message celebration of life

Comience a planificar una celebración de vida hoy mismo


Inspírese con nuestras ofertas

Al momento de planificar una celebración de vida, su imaginación es el único límite.

Obtener Guía de Precios

Plan a Simple Cremation

Simple can still mean exceptional. Let us show you how.


Exprese sus condolencias con flores y regalos


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Vintage photos scattered

¿No logra encontrar un obituario?

¿No encuentra lo que está buscando? Busque el obituario de su ser querido en todas nuestras localidades.

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