
  • Sección de cementerio para veteranos
  • Lotes familiares
    Los Lotes Familiares son un tributo distinguido al legado familiar. Se pueden personalizar con vitrales, bancos y paisajismo
  • Lápidas planas
    Lápidas de tumbas en el material de su preferencia que se asientan a ras del suelo
  • Lápidas verticales
    Lápidas tradicionales verticales
  • Cementerio en el lugar
  • Sección de cementerio para veteranos
  • Lotes familiares
    Los Lotes Familiares son un tributo distinguido al legado familiar. Se pueden personalizar con vitrales, bancos y paisajismo
  • Lápidas planas
    Lápidas de tumbas en el material de su preferencia que se asientan a ras del suelo
  • Lápidas verticales
    Lápidas tradicionales verticales
  • Cementerio en el lugar
  • Arreglos por teléfono y correo electrónico
    planificación completa del funeral sin necesidad de una visita a la funeraria
  • Sección de cementerio católico
  • Opciones de cementerio de cremación
  • Nichos de cremación
  • Envío de cenizas por correo
  • Jardines de cremación

Acerca de

Knollwood Memorial Park provides a peaceful final resting place to the families of Clayton, North Carolina, and the surrounding area. We are honored to serve our community with an array of burial options.

Established Clayton cemetery

Cemetery grounds at Knollwood Memorial ParkKnollwood Memorial Park, located at 4362 US 70 Business Highway West, was originally established in the 1940s for World War II veterans. After purchasing the Clayton property in December 1988, Jimmy D. McLaurin worked with landscaping artists to further develop the park, giving it a beautiful, garden-like feel. Throughout the years, we have served many generations with compassionate and professional care.

Range of burial options

As a member of the Dignity Memorial® network of funeral, cremation and cemetery providers, all of the services at Knollwood Memorial Park are designed to help you through one of the most personal and challenging stages of life. With a wide variety of cemetery, cremation and burial options, we are certain that your family will find an arrangement that best suits your needs and wishes.

Visit us

Cemetery grounds at Knollwood Memorial ParkWhether you have an immediate need or would like to speak with someone about planning your final arrangements in advance, we are here for you. Our offices are located in McLaurin Funeral Home at 12830 US 70 Business Highway West in Clayton. At Knollwood Memorial Park, it is our privilege to serve you.

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Simple can still mean exceptional. Let us show you how.


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