
  • Sección de cementerio para veteranos
  • Hermosas vistas
  • Espacios de cementerio disponibles
  • Lápidas y criptas personalizadas
  • Lápidas planas
    Lápidas de tumbas en el material de su preferencia que se asientan a ras del suelo
  • Sección de cementerio para veteranos
  • Hermosas vistas
  • Espacios de cementerio disponibles
  • Lápidas y criptas personalizadas
  • Lápidas planas
    Lápidas de tumbas en el material de su preferencia que se asientan a ras del suelo
  • Lápidas verticales
    Lápidas tradicionales verticales
  • Mausoleos
    Espacios privados o comunitarios para urnas y ataúdes, que pueden ser interiores o exteriores
  • Cementerio en el lugar
  • Arreglos por teléfono y correo electrónico
    planificación completa del funeral sin necesidad de una visita a la funeraria
  • Sección de cementerio católico
  • Sección de cementerio judío
  • Opciones de cementerio de cremación
  • Nichos de cremación
  • Envío de cenizas por correo
  • Jardines de cremación

Acerca de

Aycock Funeral and Cremation Center serves the families of Stuart and its neighboring communities. We provide traditional and contemporary funerals and cremations to people from all walks of life.

Personalized memorials and celebrations of life

Table setting with floral centerpiece and floral heart wreath in the background. At Aycock Funeral and Cremation Center, we believe that every service should be as unique as the life lived. We capture the essence of your loved one to create an event that honors your special person and gives friends and family a chance to come together and remember.

Perhaps it’s a barbecue in honor of the pit master, complete with live music and bottles of homemade sauce for guests to take home. Maybe it's a garden-themed party for a beloved green thumb. Or perhaps it's a quiet outdoor scattering ceremony with the closest family and friends. No matter your wish, no matter the detail, we handle it all.

Whether you want to arrange a traditional funeral service or modern celebration of life, large gathering or more intimate service, we will work with you one-on-one to ensure your needs and budget are met. From floral arrangements to music selections, decor, mementos and more, we guide you through your choices with care.

See how we celebrate life.

Cremation options

Signature Dedication at Brevard Memorial Funeral Home & Park Not everyone knows that there are many cremation options. If you're interested in cremation, we can explain the process and your various choices. From a simple cremation without a memorial service or witness cremation to a full funeral service and catered reception, we help you understand this increasingly common choice and handle all of the cremation arrangements.

Learn more about our cremation options here.

Planning in advance

How to Plan a Memorial ServiceIn addition to assisting with an immediate need, Aycock Funeral and Cremation Center specializes in working with families to make final arrangements in advance. When you plan ahead, you relieve your family from financial and emotional burdens while ensuring your wishes are fulfilled. We offer in-person and virtual consultations, as well as a free Personal Planning Guide.

Find out everything you need to know about prepaid funeral plans.

Veterans and public servants programs

We deeply appreciate those who have sacrificed for our freedoms and specialize in serving the veteran community. It's our privilege to honor veterans and their families in need of funeral services.

Watch a video to learn all about our services and get a free veterans planning guide.

Lean on us

We are here for you 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. Please reach out to us, day or night, if we may assist with funeral or cremation arrangements in Stuart or if you would simply like a tour of the funeral home.

Contact us.

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Plan a Simple Cremation

Simple can still mean exceptional. Let us show you how.


Exprese sus condolencias con flores y regalos


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Vintage photos scattered

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