
  • Espacio flexible para eventos
    La localidad puede albergar sus eventos personales
  • Centro de celebración de vida
    La localidad está diseñada para celebraciones funerarias personalizadas
  • Espacio de capilla flexible
    Nuestra capilla puede ser utilizada para albergar sus eventos religiosos
  • Capilla
  • Espacio flexible para eventos
    La localidad puede albergar sus eventos personales
  • Centro de celebración de vida
    La localidad está diseñada para celebraciones funerarias personalizadas
  • Espacio de capilla flexible
    Nuestra capilla puede ser utilizada para albergar sus eventos religiosos
  • Capilla
  • Eventos con servicio de comida
  • Planificación de eventos
    Servicios disponibles para apoyar la planificación de eventos
  • Arreglos por teléfono y correo electrónico
    planificación completa del funeral sin necesidad de una visita a la funeraria
  • Producción de tributo en video
    Servicios disponibles para crear un video tributo para el servicio u obituario a partir de fotos y videos.
  • Equipos de audio y video
  • Selecciones de música popular
  • Servicio black car
  • Escolta policial disponible
  • Funerales multiculturales
  • Selecciones de música latina
  • Shomer disponible
  • Sala tahara
  • Lavado ritual
  • Comida kosher
  • Joyas de remembranza de cremación
  • Sala de observación de cremación
  • Opciones de cementerio de cremación
  • Entrega de cenizas a domicilio
  • Envío de cenizas por correo
  • Asistencia para dispersión

Acerca de

With a history that dates back to the 50s, Kraeer-Becker Funeral Home and Cremation Center provides personalized funeral, burial and cremation services to Deerfield Beach, Boca Raton, Hillsboro Beach, Pompano Beach and Coconut Creek in Florida. Often, people choose us because we are leaders in our profession with a dedication to integrity and compassion. 

Our Deerfield Beach funeral home

Kraeer-Becker Funeral Home and Cremation CenterOur charming funeral home is a non-denominational, multicultural funeral home representing all traditions, with years of experience caring for people from all walks of life. The team at Kraeer-Becker Funeral Home and Cremation Center understands that losing a loved one can be a difficult, emotional experience. That's why we are committed to providing compassionate and professional care. When we sit down with someone to plan a funeral, we have a simple goal: to create a fitting, memorable and affordable service. Together, we explore the variety of options as well as imaginative ideas.

Creative memorials and celebrations

Whether you seek a direct cremation, a full traditional funeral with a graveside service or a modern celebration of life, we go the extra mile to make it happen. And we do it with a level of care and compassion that is signature of Kraeer-Becker Funeral Home and Cremation Center.

Want a dove release? An ice cream social? Personalized golf balls as mementos? A service on the beach? Whatever the request, we'll carefully plan a celebration of life that is as unique as the life it honors.

We Honor Veterans level 2 badgeWe honor veterans

At Kraeer-Becker Funeral Home and Cremation Center, we understand the unique needs of America’s veterans and their families. As a Level Two Founding Community Partner with We Honor Veterans, our staff is knowledgeable in the benefits available to veterans and their families. With respect, integrity and dignity, we will walk you through the steps of creating a veteran's memorial service that truly honors the life and sacrifice of your loved one.

Your friends and neighbors

We believe that community is important, which is why Kraeer-Becker Funeral Home and Cremation Center belongs to the Deerfield Beach Chamber of Commerce, Deerfield Beach Rotary and Women’s Executive Club of Boca Raton. We support The Walk to End Alzheimer’s, the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum, Deerfield Beach Historical Society, St. Ambrose Carnival, N.E. Focal Point Senior Center and others. Members of our staff have relationships with St. Ambrose Catholic Church, Rotary Club of Deerfield Beach, Pompano Beach Kiwanis, Elks Lodge #1898 and Knights of Columbus Council #4955.

Contact us

Lobby at Kraeer-Becker Funeral Home and Cremation CenterAs a member of the Dignity Memorial® network, Kraeer-Becker Funeral Home and Cremation Center gives you not only the warm, familiar attention you expect from a locally operated funeral home, but also the value you deserve by way of the largest network of funeral, cremation and cemetery service providers in North America. Please contact us if you need immediate assistance or would like more information about our services, including planning a funeral ahead of time.


Our Deerfield Beach funeral home facility incorporates the 1st concrete house built in the community and a historic William L. Kester cottage saved from destruction in 1984. Kraeer-Becker Funeral Home and Cremation Center represents care and service from 2 great families who merged their businesses to create a new tradition in southeast Florida.

Kraeer Funeral Home began with R. Jay Kraeer and Lorraine Kraeer in 1952. The 1st location was in Pompano Beach and eventually grew to 8 locations. Becker Funeral Home started with Rolland Ron E. Becker Sr. and Marcy Becker in 1972 in Deerfield Beach.

The Deerfield Beach location of Kraeer Funeral Home merged with Becker Funeral Home to form Kraeer-Becker Funeral Home and Cremation Center. Today, our funeral home is also a member of the Dignity Memorial® network—the largest group of funeral, cremation and cemetery service providers in North America.

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Plan a Simple Cremation

Simple can still mean exceptional. Let us show you how.


Exprese sus condolencias con flores y regalos


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Vintage photos scattered

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