
  • Espacio flexible para eventos
    La localidad puede albergar sus eventos personales
  • Centro de celebración de vida
    La localidad está diseñada para celebraciones funerarias personalizadas
  • Sección de cementerio para veteranos
  • Nueva edificación
  • Espacio de capilla flexible
    Nuestra capilla puede ser utilizada para albergar sus eventos religiosos
  • Espacio flexible para eventos
    La localidad puede albergar sus eventos personales
  • Centro de celebración de vida
    La localidad está diseñada para celebraciones funerarias personalizadas
  • Sección de cementerio para veteranos
  • Nueva edificación
  • Espacio de capilla flexible
    Nuestra capilla puede ser utilizada para albergar sus eventos religiosos
  • Pabellón exterior
  • Vistas al agua
  • Capilla de gran capacidad (250)
  • Espacios de cementerio disponibles
  • Lápidas y criptas personalizadas
  • Lotes familiares
    Los Lotes Familiares son un tributo distinguido al legado familiar. Se pueden personalizar con vitrales, bancos y paisajismo
  • Lápidas planas
    Lápidas de tumbas en el material de su preferencia que se asientan a ras del suelo
  • Lápidas verticales
    Lápidas tradicionales verticales
  • Mausoleos
    Espacios privados o comunitarios para urnas y ataúdes, que pueden ser interiores o exteriores
  • Cementerio en el lugar
  • Eventos con servicio de comida
  • Amplia área de recepción
  • Planificación de eventos
    Servicios disponibles para apoyar la planificación de eventos
  • Celebraciones al aire libre
    Opciones para realizar sus celebraciones personalizadas al aire libre en nuestra propiedad
  • Arreglos por teléfono y correo electrónico
    planificación completa del funeral sin necesidad de una visita a la funeraria
  • Producción de tributo en video
    Servicios disponibles para crear un video tributo para el servicio u obituario a partir de fotos y videos.
  • Equipos de audio y video
  • Selecciones de música popular
  • Espacio para reuniones
    espacio disponible para reuniones de empresas y organizaciones
  • Ceremonia de colocación
    Ceremonia en la que se coloca la lápida en la tumba de su ser querido.
  • Entrega de flores en el cementerio
  • Funerales multiculturales
  • Diseño feng shui
  • Sección de cementerio judío
  • Shomer disponible
  • Lavado ritual
  • Joyas de remembranza de cremación
  • Sala de observación de cremación
  • Opciones de cementerio de cremación
  • Nichos de cremación
  • Entrega de cenizas a domicilio
  • Envío de cenizas por correo
  • Asistencia para dispersión
  • Jardines de cremación

Recorra nuestro cementerio

Los cementerios honran a los seres queridos y les dan a las generaciones futuras un lugar para recordar y reflexionar. Elegir una propiedad de cementerio es un paso importante para rendir homenaje a vidas especiales y dejar un legado duradero.


Acerca de

Valley of the Sun Mortuary and Valley of the Sun Cemetery have served Chandler and the surrounding Phoenix area since 1963. The funeral home and cemetery are situated on 22 acres of meticulously maintained lawns and gardens, convenient to the Sun Lakes communities and Chandler Regional Medical Center.

For more than 50 years, the funeral home has helped families honor loved ones. Valley of the Sun Cemetery is the only cemetery in Chandler. Working together, the funeral home and cemetery teams take care of all your funeral, cremation and burial needs.

Our state-of-the-art funeral home

Lobby at Valley of the Sun Mortuary and CemeteryAfter a fire leveled the funeral home in 2017, we set out to build the finest funeral facility in the East Valley. With nearly 10,500 square feet of space, the new funeral home opened in late 2018.

It includes an oversize reception room for catered events and a chapel that seats up to 140 guests. Smart equipment, a modern flow and comfortable furnishings make it perfectly suited for traditional funerals, cremation memorials and contemporary celebrations of life.

Whatever your personal desire, family preference, cultural tradition or religious custom, it’s our honor to help you arrange a celebration that reflects a unique personality. The dedicated funeral directors at Valley of the Sun Mortuary can find inspiration almost anywhere—in a favorite song, hobby or even an iconic style—and turn that into a funeral service or cremation memorial filled with thoughtful and meaningful details. Start with a story, and we’ll take it from there.

Cremation in Chandler

There are many options for cremation in Chandler—and they're not all equal. We specialize in cremation services that honor loved ones in personalized ways, and families love our all-inclusive pricing. With expertise in scattering ashes and a friendly team who pays attention to every detail, we provide service that is second to none.

Signature Dedication at Volusia Memorial Funeral Home & ParkMore and more people are choosing cremation over traditional burial, but most aren’t familiar with the many options:

  • a cremation without a funeral or memorial service of any kind.
  • a funeral with your loved one present, followed by cremation.
  • a cremation followed by a scattering, cemetery memorialization or celebration of life—or all three.


If you're interested in cemetery placement, Valley of the Sun Cemetery is the prettiest in the area. It offers a cremation garden and niches.

And for those who wish for something more momentous, Neptune Memorial Reef is an underwater cremation garden off the coast of Florida. A Celestis Memorial Spaceflight takes ashes into space for a little while or forever.

Learn more about our cremation services.

We Honor Veterans

WHV 2020 - Level 4At Valley of the Sun Mortuary and Cemetery, we understand the unique needs of America’s veterans and their families. As a Level Four Founding Community Partner with We Honor Veterans, we are honored to serve our nation’s heroes and take this responsibility seriously. With respect, integrity and dignity, we will walk you through creating a veteran’s memorial service that truly honors the life and sacrifice of your loved one.

In addition, we host community events annually in honor of our veterans and work closely with local veterans organizations.

Watch our video about our veterans services.

Funeral and cremation planning in advance

In addition to assisting with an immediate need, Valley of the Sun Mortuary specializes in working with families to make final arrangements in advance. When you plan ahead, you relieve your family from financial and emotional burdens while ensuring your wishes are met. We offer in-person and virtual consultations, as well as a free Personal Planning Guide.

Find out everything you need to know about prepaid funeral plans.

Valley of the Sun Cemetery

Special Feature at Valley of the Sun Mortuary and CemeteryValley of the Sun Cemetery is the only cemetery in Chandler. The well-landscaped property seems far away from the hustle and bustle of Phoenix. It has lovely annual blooming flowers, nature gardens and water features—all of which make the cemetery a place of peaceful reflection. Numerous mature trees provide shade on hot summer days.

Burial options

A walk down one of the cemetery's winding paths reveals a range of burial gardens and other options: in-ground burial, mausoleum entombment, private and semiprivate estates, and cremation choices such as niches and benches.

Dedicated gardens appeal to certain populations. These include a Jewish garden, which serves Orthodox, Reform and Conservative Jews. It was recently expanded and has room for future growth. Set atop a petite hill, the cremation garden has a nature-inspired stream and fountain. Water trickles through the garden, and the garden's gazebo hosts outdoor committal services. We call our veterans section Garden of Honor.

Veterans memorial events

Gazebo at Valley of the Sun Mortuary and CemeteryEach December, Valley of the Sun Mortuary and Valley of the Sun Cemetery join with Arlington National Cemetery as well as 1,200 other locations throughout the United States to remember and honor those who have served our country. We were the first East Valley cemetery to celebrate National Wreaths Across America Day. During our first year’s celebration more than 600 wreaths were placed on the graves of local veterans.

A longstanding tradition, our annual Memorial Day program honors those who have given their lives in service to our country. Around 400 people attend the event, which includes speakers from local Veterans of Foreign Wars and American Legion chapters, as well as community leaders. World War II era planes fly over the cemetery—a truly impressive sight. We treat those who attend to a cookout with hot dogs, chips and drinks. We also host a Veterans Day event.

Valley of the Sun Mortuary participates in the Dignity Memorial® Homeless Veterans Burial Program. The program was founded in conjunction with the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, the Veterans of Foreign Wars, local medical examiners, coroners, veterans advocates, and veterans organizations on the belief that every veteran deserves a dignified and honorable burial. Through the program, homeless and indigent veterans who have no family to claim them are identified and provided with proper military burials.

Caring for families together

Donate Life Partner logoEach year thousands of people choose to donate the gift of organs, eyes and tissues to save and heal others. We understand this is not always an easy decision, and we are here to help you navigate the process. Because of our commitment to donation and partnership with Donate Life America and Donor Network of Arizona we are uniquely qualified to celebrate the gift of life. Ask us how we can create a meaningful memorial that honors your loved one’s gift.

Serving generations of Chandler families

 Reception Room at Valley of the Sun Mortuary and CemeterySince our founding in 1963, we have served Chandler and surrounding communities with the highest standards of care and compassion. Our team has a long history of community involvement. We also host annual celebrations that bring hundreds of people together to remember their loved ones.

Among them is a nondenominational Night of Remembrance held each December to celebrate lives lost and gain a sense of peace from the healing power of community during the holidays. Guests hang ornaments on our Tree of Remembrance or light candles in honor of their loved ones. Around 150 people attend this event, which is held in the chapel.

And we never forget that pets are family members, too! Our annual pet photo day draws pet lovers and their furry friends from all over the area and benefits the American Diabetes Association.

We're here for you

Someone from our compassionate team is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week to take your call. Please reach out to us anytime, whether you need immediate assistance or are planning a funeral ahead of time.

We invite you to visit Valley of the Sun Mortuary and Cemetery on your own, or call us to set up a guided tour. We would be honored to show you around.

Reach out now.


Valley of the Sun Mortuary & CemeterySince 1963, Valley of the Sun Mortuary and Valley of the Sun Cemetery have served Chandler, Sun City, East Valley and the Greater Phoenix area. When Valley of the Sun first opened, the neighboring area was largely agricultural. However, in the early 1970s, developers broke ground on the Sun Lakes community, and the area became a bustling and vibrant community.

Today, we're members of the Dignity Memorial family of funeral, cremation and cemetery service providers, offering benefits no other provider can.

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Plan a Simple Cremation

Simple can still mean exceptional. Let us show you how.


Exprese sus condolencias con flores y regalos


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