
  • Espacio flexible para eventos
    La localidad puede albergar sus eventos personales
  • Capilla de gran capacidad
  • Centro de celebración de vida
    La localidad está diseñada para celebraciones funerarias personalizadas
  • Sección de cementerio para veteranos
  • Espacio de capilla flexible
    Nuestra capilla puede ser utilizada para albergar sus eventos religiosos
  • Piano/órgano en el lugar
  • Espacio flexible para eventos
    La localidad puede albergar sus eventos personales
  • Centro de celebración de vida
    La localidad está diseñada para celebraciones funerarias personalizadas
  • Capilla de gran capacidad
  • Sección de cementerio para veteranos
  • Espacio de capilla flexible
    Nuestra capilla puede ser utilizada para albergar sus eventos religiosos
  • Vistas a la montaña
  • Pabellón exterior
  • Vistas al agua
  • Espacios de cementerio disponibles
  • Lápidas y criptas personalizadas
  • Lotes familiares
    Los Lotes Familiares son un tributo distinguido al legado familiar. Se pueden personalizar con vitrales, bancos y paisajismo
  • Lápidas planas
    Lápidas de tumbas en el material de su preferencia que se asientan a ras del suelo
  • Lápidas verticales
    Lápidas tradicionales verticales
  • Mausoleos
    Espacios privados o comunitarios para urnas y ataúdes, que pueden ser interiores o exteriores
  • Salón de café
  • Permite mascotas
  • Cementerio en el lugar
  • Eventos con servicio de comida
  • Servicio de guante blanco
    Localidades que ofrecen el más alto nivel de servicio y cuidado
  • Amplia área de recepción
  • Planificación de eventos
    Servicios disponibles para apoyar la planificación de eventos
  • Celebraciones al aire libre
    Opciones para realizar sus celebraciones personalizadas al aire libre en nuestra propiedad
  • Arreglos por teléfono y correo electrónico
    planificación completa del funeral sin necesidad de una visita a la funeraria
  • Producción de tributo en video
    Servicios disponibles para crear un video tributo para el servicio u obituario a partir de fotos y videos.
  • Equipos de audio y video
  • Música en vivo disponible
  • Selecciones de música popular
  • Área recepción íntima
  • Espacio para reuniones
    espacio disponible para reuniones de empresas y organizaciones
  • Ceremonia de colocación
    Ceremonia en la que se coloca la lápida en la tumba de su ser querido.
  • Velorios toda la noche
  • Servicio black car
  • Escolta policial disponible
  • Entrega de flores en el cementerio
  • Funerales multiculturales
  • Selecciones de música latina
  • Diseño feng shui
  • Sección de cementerio católico
  • Comida kosher
  • Joyas de remembranza de cremación
  • Jardín de esparcimiento de cenizas
  • Sala de observación de cremación
  • Opciones de cementerio de cremación
  • Nichos de cremación
  • Entrega de cenizas a domicilio
  • Envío de cenizas por correo
  • Asistencia para dispersión
  • Jardines de cremación

Recorra nuestro cementerio

Los cementerios honran a los seres queridos y les dan a las generaciones futuras un lugar para recordar y reflexionar. Elegir una propiedad de cementerio es un paso importante para rendir homenaje a vidas especiales y dejar un legado duradero.


Acerca de

Located in Pelham, Alabama, Southern Heritage Funeral Home and Southern Heritage Cemetery each work to serve the Greater Birmingham area with compassionate funeral, cremation and cemetery care.

Established in 1986 by Birmingham’s prominent Lackey family, Southern Heritage Funeral Home and Southern Heritage Cemetery are sister locations that serve about 400 families each year. Southern Heritage Funeral Home is the only funeral home in the city of Pelham, and we aim to help you honor and celebrate your loved one like no one else can.

Funeral home amenities

Chapel at Southern Heritage Funeral HomeAt 18,000 square feet, Southern Heritage Funeral Home is among the larger funeral homes in Alabama. We accommodate services and gatherings of all sizes. Our beautiful Colonial-style building includes a chapel that comfortably seats up to 200 and a celebration room suitable for big family gatherings and catered receptions.

Not only are we a newer funeral home, but a 2011 update gave our spaces a fresh, modern look. What's more, our chapel and parlors have large flat-screen televisions for slideshows and multimedia tributes—which we are happy to create for you.

Personalized services for all

Southern Heritage Funeral Home welcomes people of all belief systems and cultures, and we are dedicated to creating personalized funerals and memorial services. As no 2 lives are the same, we believe that a unique life deserves a unique service. We strive to help families create one-of-a-kind memorial services that capture the essence of their loved ones.

Whether you are seeking a basic cremation with a champagne toast, a full, traditional funeral service with a cemetery burial and a catered reception, or a creative outdoor celebration complete with a live band, favorite foods, a full bar and funeral favors, we take care of every detail. We are here to help you and your family celebrate a life like no other.

Imagine it: From hiking to hunting, guitars to golf balls, pie baking to pageants, we take the things that mattered to someone and string them together to create a singular, heartfelt memorial.

Veterans funerals

Cemetery grounds with estate areas and flags.Alabama National Cemetery does not have a funeral home on its property, so many military families choose to have their loved ones' memorial services at our funeral home before interment at the Montevallo cemetery. It is our honor and privilege to work with the veterans cemetery and serve the families of veterans in any way we can.

Cremation services

Not everyone knows that there are many cremation options. If you are interested in cremation, the funeral home team can explain the process and different options. From a direct cremation without a memorial service or a witness cremation to a full funeral service before or after the cremation and more, we help you understand this increasingly common choice—and handle all of the cremation arrangements.

We are here for you

Lobby at Southern Heritage Funeral HomeThe experienced team at Southern Heritage Funeral Home is dedicated to exceeding expectations and ensuring each funeral or memorial service is both personal and memorable. Whether you need immediate help planning a funeral or are planning ahead, please contact us.

Southern Heritage Cemetery

Cemetery grounds at Southern Heritage Funeral Home & CemeteryWith 38 developed acres, Southern Heritage Cemetery is a tranquil final resting place with rolling green hills, lush landscaping, a pond and views of Oak Mountain State Park. The cemetery offers a range of burial options, from ground interment to cremation niches to community mausoleum entombment. There are private family estates and private mausoleums as well.

Our founders had an interest in the Civil War, and a few sections of the cemetery are named after the men who played significant roles in the historic event. Stonewall Jackson and Robert E. Lee are represented here.

Community outreach and events

Southern Heritage Funeral Home and Southern Heritage Cemetery host funeral planning ahead seminars throughout the year. We also host an annual Tree of Remembrance service and reception in December, giving families an opportunity to place ornaments on our holiday tree in honor of their loved ones.

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Plan a Simple Cremation

Simple can still mean exceptional. Let us show you how.


Exprese sus condolencias con flores y regalos


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