
  • Capilla
  • Piano/órgano en el lugar
  • Salón de café
  • Piano/órgano en el lugar
  • Capilla
  • Salón de café
  • Eventos con servicio de comida
  • Arreglos por teléfono y correo electrónico
    planificación completa del funeral sin necesidad de una visita a la funeraria
  • Producción de tributo en video
    Servicios disponibles para crear un video tributo para el servicio u obituario a partir de fotos y videos.
  • Equipos de audio y video
  • Selecciones de música popular
  • Área recepción íntima
  • Entrega de flores en el cementerio
  • Joyas de remembranza de cremación
  • Crematorio en el lugar
  • Entrega de cenizas a domicilio
  • Envío de cenizas por correo

Acerca de

Gray Brown-Service Mortuary and Crematory in Anniston, Alabama, proudly helps families with their funeral and cremation needs. With a history dating back to 1897, our funeral home and staff have maintained a high standard of service and commitment to caring for our community.

We celebrate life

Entryway of a funeral home with a welcome Life Well Celebrated welcome mat.At Gray Brown-Service Mortuary, we believe that every memorial should be as unique as the individual being honored. Our team is skilled at creating one-of-a-kind tributes that celebrate a person's passions and personality. Whether you prefer an intimate gathering with close family and friends, a traditional funeral service with a coffee-and-cake reception or an imaginative celebration of life with live music, themed decor and a catered meal, we'll take care of all the details—no matter how big or small. 

WHV 2020 - Level 3We honor veterans

At Gray Brown-Service Mortuary, we understand the unique needs of America’s veterans and their families. As a Level Three Founding Community Partner with We Honor Veterans, our staff is knowledgeable in the benefits available to veterans and their families. With respect, integrity and dignity, we will walk you through the steps of creating a veteran's memorial service that truly honors the life and sacrifice of your loved one.

A compassionate mortuary and crematory

Front exterior at Gray Brown-Service MortuaryWe know losing a loved one is a difficult and personal experience. That's why our experienced team helps Anniston-area families honor their loved ones with personal and compassionate care. At Gray Brown-Service Mortuary and Crematory, we respectfully honor those who have passed and help celebrate their life.

As a member of the Dignity Memorial® network, our team provides you with the attention, guidance and value you expect from a friendly local funeral home. We hope you'll allow our team to help you with your funeral or cremation needs during this difficult time.

Contact us

Please let us know if you need immediate assistance or would like more information about the products and services available at Gray Brown-Service Mortuary and Crematory.

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Plan a Simple Cremation

Simple can still mean exceptional. Let us show you how.


Exprese sus condolencias con flores y regalos


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Vintage photos scattered

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