Trevor passed peacefully on the morning of July 25, 2021. Born in England and predeceased by his wife Jean, daughter Carole and brother Vernon, at age 97 he said more than once he had a full, good life and he was ready. He will be missed by his son Ken, daughter in law Mary, grandchildren Tyler, Rory, Erin, Kristin and Brent, great grandchildren Jordan, Dylan, Chantry, Bethany, Devon, Cara, and Conner, niece Trudy, nephews Doug and Daniel, and his nephew and nieces on Jean's (Radford) side of the family Doug, Moira and Allison.
Trevor met Jean while training in Canada during WWII, then immigrated here after the war. He loved his family, full stop. He was a good man with a brilliant mind, whether as a gifted navigator in the RAF Lancaster bomber precision squadron, or, having never operated any computer or received a single word of advice, teaching himself the DOS language using only the manual, then writing a program which he used for years to prepare his taxes!
Trevor was from a musical family and played violin in his youth. Jean played classical piano, and together they passed along their love of music to their children, Carole and Ken. He also loved spending time at his cabin at White Lake, and traveling, taking his young family on road trips and visiting many new places in retirement.
Here's to you Dad, and thank you for everything!