Major General Robert (Bob) John Sunell (Retired) passed away on August 8, 2020. He was born on June 5, 1929 in Astoria, Oregon the son of Ernest and Grace Sunell. He enlisted in the National Guard in 1948 upon graduation from Astoria High School. He spent 3 years in the National Guard while attending the University of Oregon. He married JoAnn Toika in 1951 and they had three children. He received an infantry commission in the United States Army in 1953. In a career spanning more then 33 years of active service, and 32 moves, he held multiple positions that impacted the development of the current armored force. His contributions to the Army’s capabilities were broad and continuing in their impact.
Bob began active duty with an assignment to Korea as an infantry officer, where he spent a year before returning to the United States assigned to Fort Ord, California. The armored force was being expanded at that time, and because Bob liked equipment and had some experience with tanks in Korea,so he applied for a branch transfer to Armor, which he received in 1959. His next assignment was to Germany, 1st Battalion, and 33rd Armor. His wife, JoAnn, and his three small children accompanied him.
Bob attended the career course at Fort Knox, Kentucky and stayed there for two years. He reported that this was one of the most important times of his career, as he taught subjects to his peers that everyone in the room knew something about. He said, “To be in your own branch as an instructor on stage causes you to become an expert in your business.” This carried him through many different experiences in his career.
Bob returned to Germany, to the 3rd Armored Division where he was the plans officer in a brigade and then the executive officer of a tank battalion. Bob was then selected to be an exchange officer with the British Army, promoted to major, and served in a cavalry squadron in the Fifth Tanks of the Royal Tank Regiment and The Royal Scots Greys. Serving with the British Army was a highlight for the whole family as the children went to British schools, and his wife, always active in the community, introduced the British to the American Happy Hour, which they all enjoyed.
Bob volunteered for Vietnam in 1965, joining the 4th Division at Fort Lewis, Washington, where he was first in the training center and then deployed to Vietnam. He served as executive officer 1st Brigade, 4th Infantry division Vietnam from1966-1967. It was at that time Bob was selected for Lt. Colonel. After his first tour in Vietnam, Bob went to Armor Branch for 18 months before returning to Vietnam as Commander 2d Battalion, 8th Infantry, 4th Infantry division from1969-1970. During this time, he continued his interest and appreciation of armor equipment, as Bob reported it was almost like a cavalry squadron, with its self-propelled 155mm artillery battery, tank company, and three mechanized infantry companies.
Bob graduated from the Army War College in Carlisle, Pennsylvania in 1973. He returned to Fort Knox, Kentucky from 1973 – 1974, where he was Chief of the Battalion and Brigade Tactical Operations division at the Armor School.
Bob was Deputy Director of the Armored Reconnaissance Scout Vehicle Task Force from 1974-1976. He initiated and led the Task Force, which was charged with developing future concepts and armored systems to replace all current armored vehicles in the inventory.
Bob’s peers have referred to him as the father of the modern tank. He was an extremely forward thinker with respect to the training needs of the Army and instituted many programs that greatly improved Army capabilities. He was Deputy Program Manager XM1 Tank Systems in Warren, Michigan, from 1976-1978. He conceived and incorporated into the design of the M-1 Tank many innovative ideas that resulted in the Army fielding the premier tank in the world.
In May 1978, he assumed command of the 11th Armored Cavalry Regiment (Blackhorse Regiment) in Fulda Germany. His responsibilities included implementing and testing the new cavalry organization, which he had helped develop during his tenure at the ARSV Task Force as well as integrating the new ITVs into the regiment. He was promoted to Brigadier General while in command of the 11th Cavalry, the only general to command the regiment. Colleagues have commented that in spite of the many achievements as a General Officer, this assignment meant the most to him and the one he was the proudest of.
Bob was the Commander of the Army Training Support Center in Fort Eustis, VA, from 1980-1983. He was responsible for developing, fielding, and distributing new and innovative training systems and devices to help the Army recover from the setbacks it had as a result of the Vietnam War. He initiated and led the Armored Family of Vehicles Task Force charged with developing future concepts and armored systems to replace all current armored vehicles in the inventory.
In 1983, Bob was promoted to Major General. He returned to Warren, Michigan, as the project manager of the M1 Abrams Tank where he stayed until 1986. Here he conceived the idea for a family of armored vehicles to replace the armored force as it became obsolescent in the 1990s.
From January of 1986 until his retirement on 1 September 1987, Bob was the Director of Armored Family of Vehicles Task Force in Fort Eustis, Virginia. He was responsible, as the first AFVTF director, for developing the concept into a viable program.
Even upon retirement, Bob continued to serve. With his wife, Joann, he formed his own company, Suonperra, a consulting firm, which worked closely with US and allied militaries to improve international cooperation through common equipment and methods. Bob was also a contract professional for several companies involved in training simulation, robotics, artificial intelligence, and armaments for future combat vehicles. Through his work with the Institute for Defense Analysis, he guided equipment tests to assure the viability of future generations of equipment and operational concepts.
Bob always wanted to be remembered “as doing great things for the US Army and for the country, but never wanted to blow his own horn.” He was an excellent leader, an innovative thinker, a visionary, devoted to his wife, and very loyal to his family and friends. He received numerous honors throughout his life. He was decorated with the Distinguished Service Medal, Silver Star, Legion of Merit (twice) Bronze Star, Air Medal (twice), Meritorious Service award, and the Army Commendation Medal, among many others. He was a member of the Saab sponsored Swedish Science Council, United States Army Association, Calvary and Army Association, and Blackhorse Association.
Bob’s nickname in the military was the Fighting Finn. He was proud of his Finnish heritage. Bob had Sisu. Sisu is a Finnish term that describes an underlying trait of the Finnish people. It does not translate into any single English word, but it can be described as hardiness, courage, bravery, willpower, tenacity, resilience, and guts. In his legacy, he has instilled that in his children and grandchildren to be carried on in the Sunell family.
Bob loved the Army, but enjoyed his retirement in Queen’s Lake, VA and later Patriots Colony, where he was active in both communities. He was an avid reader, golfer, fisherman, hunter, gardener, and sauna enthusiast. Bob was devoted to his beloved wife, JoAnn, and was blessed with an abundance of close friendships. He cherished the time spent his daughters, their husbands and his grandchildren.
Bob is survived by his daughters, Perry Peterson (Art), Dr. Patti Johnson (David), and his grandchildren, Jake Sunell Sigl (Geonni), Molly Peterson, Andrea Peterson, and Stacy Sunell, and his great-grandson, Parker Eugene McGirr. He is preceded in death by his wife, Joann, and his son, Robert P. Sunell.
An interment will take place at Arlington National Cemetery, at a later date to be determined. Memorial contributions may be made to the Black Horse Association addressed to: Treasurer: The Black Horse Association, Daniel M. Caughey, CPA, PO Box 1712, Mill Valley, CA 94942.