Gene was born on January 18th 1931 to Sidney L. Knutson and Tillie L. (Christopherson) Knutson in Yankton, South Dakota. His older sister Delores had been born in February of 1929. She had passed away at a young age. Not a lot is known about her. His younger sister Beverly was born in December of 1934. She passed away in July of 2008 of cancer. Sidney and his family lived in South Dakota until February of 1937 and in St Jo Missouri until 1942 before finding the place that he and his family would eventually call home; Denver, Colorado.
As a young child living in St. Jo Missouri, Gene would travel by bus to visit his Grandpa Louis and Grandma Carrie in Yankton during the summers. The whole Christopherson family lived there working their farms and ranches. He learned many lessons from his grandparents Louis and Carrie Christopherson and all of his hard working Uncles and Aunts. He had very fond memories and has told many stories about this time in his life. He had idolized his grandfather from an early age and contributed his work ethic to the things he had learned on the farm growing up. The family had followed the Lutheran denomination with multiple members of the family involving themselves within the church. Gene was an altar boy at a young age for several years at the Lutheran Church they attended until his teens. He was asked by the Pastor to consider attending the seminary. After much deliberation, Gene respectfully turned down his offer.
Somewhere along the line, Gene developed a burning passion and a love for everything aviation. He had pursued this interest until he was a young man, eventually being able to purchase and pilot his own plane. He had been in the Army Reserves and the Navy Reserves for four years each. We asked, why the Navy, he said because they have planes! Throughout his life he owned several airplanes and kept upgrading while perfecting his flying skills. He joined a flying club called the 10 Hi Fyers. He recalled many trips to Yankton, South Dakota where he would fly in just for the day just to visit his Grandpa and Grandma. These memories were very important to him and he enjoyed sharing all of his stories with his family.
Gene attended Manual High School where he graduated in 1950. He had many friends due to his outgoing and jovial personality. Throughout his young adulthood and even as a juvenile, he had held numerous jobs. Gene was always working hard and trying to make a dollar. This work ethic was instilled in him from an early age and he took pride in that. Some of his jobs at an early age included delivering papers, and worked with the printers for the Denver Post and the Rocky Mountain News. Around the time that he was about ready to graduate, he had decided to take some time off and enjoy the hard earned money that he had accumulated. A call from his Dad requesting him to come work for Alcoves where his dad worked changed those plans. Shortly after that phone call Gene was working for Alcoves, as a carpet mechanic originally located in the WheatRidge area. Gene worked his way up to installing carpet because of the fact that he wasn't afraid to work hard and get his hands dirty.
During High School he had met the girl that was to become the love of his life, Dorothy Joanne Goodrich. She adored him so much! Joanne was still in high school, she was a couple years younger than him.They had met at a school function, and from then on they were absolutely inseparable. She was involed in many different school clubs including ROTC. Gene and Joanne were married after she graduated high school. They soon had their first child, Larry Gene. He was born on 8/15/1951, they were living at 4994 Unitilla at the time. This was their first house together. Gene tells the story the first time he took Larry in his airplane. Larry was about 18 months old, boy did his Mother-In-Law Ivie have something to say about that. Gene respected his In-Laws, Ivie and Perry Goodrich and adhered to their wishes of not taking Larry for rides in his airplane. Gene always got along well with the Goodrich family, they always had love and respect for one another.
Then along came Debra Lynn, she was born 2/25/53, she was the middle child. Then came Sherri Kay, she was born on 12/14/56. Sometime after that, they moved to Larsh Drive and lived there for several years.
In 1966 the family decided to have a home built at 3673 Simms, WheatRidge. The family lived in Applewood during the time the house was being built. At that time, Gene and Joanne purchased a restaurant and lounge called the Sheri-Dale but renamed it to the Madrid in Arvada. They both worked at their new restaurant. Joanne worked during the day and Gene worked his normal job during the day and worked at the restaurant at night. They moved into their new house in 1968. This is where Gene lived until 2022, Joanne passed away on 5/29/1993. Gene lived in that house for thirty plus years by himself.
All their children were married and had children of their own. There are many success stories, and all have done well with the paths that they have chosen.
All in all the, these are only some of the things that can be remember best about Gene -
Dad always did it his way
He was always very encouraging to his family and friends
He was a great husband, father and friend
He had a true love for flying
He was very funny and liked to make people laugh
He idolized his mother, father, and his Grandpa and Grandma Christopherson.
He loved and admired his sister, Beverly
He never regretted his choices that he made
He was one of a kind
He loved John Wayne
“I did it my way” This truly is the way my dad lived his life”
Kyle Knutson
Sid Humphrey
Austin Humphrey
John Humphrey