I'm Jennifer's brother and I have the honor of writing this life story of the most beautiful, caring, positive and inspirational sister, daughter, sister-in-law and friend anyone could ask for.
Jennifer suffered from Spina Bifida and was confined to a wheelchair. Although she was dealt these cards she never stopped smiling.
Jennifer graduated from Emerson High School where she went to dances, the prom and graduation despite being the only person in a chair.
My mother told me a story yesterday that broke my heart. When Jen got dropped off at the dance one year and my mom picked her up my mom asked " so did you have fun and who did you sit with" her answer was " ya I had fun but I sat and talked to the DJ all night." My heart broke..
Jennifer then went on to graduate from BCC. The only one to go to college I might add.
Jennifer's father, George, passed away 15 years ago and ever since Jennifer and our mom, Kathy, have been inseparable. Both looking after each other for love, support and friendship. They did everything together from shopping at the Christmas Tree Shop or taking a cruise to the Bahamas. Jennifer always tried to be self supportive and very rarely asked for help.
Now me, Bryan, her absolute biggest supporter. Anyone who knows me knows I'd have killed for her. Anytime I needed a friend, and vice versa, we were there for each other. When I got married Jennifer told my mom to give me her diamond so I could get engaged to Andrea. Jennifer absolutely adored her and Andrea the same.
Jennifer had so many " Aunt's and Uncles" that I just can't name them all. But just know that without your help through the years, well who knows..
Jennifer had friends but one in particular, Gabby, was her forever friend. They went everywhere together. But I think Jen's best memories would be going to the theater, or Monday night American Idol.
Jennifer was part of a wheelchair dance team called Roll Call. When she was dancing she was smiling and having so much fun. It was a feeling of such accomplishment and always made us SO PROUD of her. They we're like her family.
I'll end with this.. We love you kiddo!
Mom will be OK. and go fly with the angels and say hello to Dad
With all my LOVE,