A visitation for Mr. Đỗ was held on Friday, December 6, 2019 at the Westminster Memorial Park. A funeral service occurred on Saturday, December 7, 2019. Mr. Đỗ's final resting place and burial occurred on Saturday, December 7, 2019 at Good Shepherd Cemetery, 8301 Talbert Ave., Huntington Beach, California 92840. Giỗ Thất Tuần (Buddhist 49 Days Memorial Rite) & Giỗ Trăm Ngày were observed at the Chùa Bát Nhã Buddhist Temple, 4717 W 1st Street, Santa Ana, CA 92703. Giỗ Một Năm was observed privately due to COVID-19.
Viewing (https://thinfi.com/hosa)
Service & Burial (https://thinfi.com/hosc)
Giỗ Thất Tuần 49 Days (https://thinfi.com/hosi)
Giỗ Trăm Ngày 100 Days (...update to follow...)
Giỗ Một Năm 1-year Death Anniversary (https://thinfi.com/xbfy)
Note: The links to the photos/videos are password-protected. Please contact Dr. Tu Do, grandson, at
professortdo@gmail.com" target="_blank" rel="nofollow">mailto:professortdo@gmail.com">professortdo@gmail.com for access.
║ Photos and videos taken by Mr. Vu Nguyen and Mr. Tin Do, grandsons. ║