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Mary Frances GerbermanWife of 58 years

Brett GerbermanSon

Dana Gerberman Blackburn and husband ScottDaughter

Bryce ProctorGrandson

Weston ProctorGrandson

Jonathan BlackburnGrandson

Kevin GerbermanGrandson

Bill Gerberman and wife CarolBrother

Anna Marie Gerberman Orsak and husband GarySister

James Gerberman and wife CandyBrother

Ben Gerberman and wife TinaBrother

Fred GerbermanBrother

Sister Anna Marie PoppAunt

MadisenBest friend and trusted four legged companion

Augusta and George Alois Gerberman, Sr.Parents (deceased)


Bryce ProctorHonorary Pallbearer

Kevin GerbermanHonorary Pallbearer

Westin ProctorHonorary Pallbearer

Jonathan BlackburnHonorary Pallbearer


Defray Medical ExpensesMary Gerberman, El Campo, TX 77437

Past Services

Saturday,January 22, 2022

Memorial Service