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Kenneth Bucek and wife, CindySon

Gary Bucek and wife, MarySon

Candace Bucek Wilkinson and hsuband, CovyGrandchild

Benjaman BucekGrandchild

Michael BucekGrandchild

Lara BucekGrandchild

Covy and Crue WilkinsonGreat grandchildren

Louis Saha and wife AnnBrother

Dennis Saha and wife, JackieBrother

Dorothy SahaSister-in-law

Flo SahaSister-in-law

Louis P and Louise Hickl SahaParents (deceased)

Leonard BucekHusband (deceased)

Wesley StanleyHusband (deceased)

Bryan BucekSon (deceased)

Alvin SahaBrother (deceased)

Gilbert SahaBrother (deceased)

Evelyn WillisSister (deceased)


Hospice of South Texas605 E. Locust, Victoria, TX 77901

Holy Family Catholic Church704 Mallette Drive, Victoria, TX 77904


No public services are scheduled at this time. Receive a notification when services are updated.