Ranjit Bedi was born in Bharpurgarh, Punjab, India and the youngest of 6 kids of Nikka Singh and Harnam Kaur Kainth. All of Ranjit’s five brothers pre-deceased her and her soul departs this earth leaving behind her husband of 60 years, Jarnail Singh Bedi.
Ranjit and her family immigrated from India in 1990 and immediately made Victoria, BC her home. She raised 4 daughters, Sarbjit, Harpreet, Inderjeet and Gurpreet, three of whom have made Victoria their home to work, play and raise their families.
Ranjit was a fiercely hard-working and passionate woman who put her family above all. In addition to her husband and four daughters she leaves behind, 4 sons-in-laws, 12 grandkids, 8 great grand kids and several nephews and nieces.
“The Creator Lord created this creation. It comes and goes, subject to the Will of the Infinite Lord. No one dies. The soul does not perish; it is imperishable” Guru Arjun Dev (SGGS: 885)