Some of Joyce’s favorite childhood memories include horseback riding with her Dad and summers at Lake of the Woods with her extended family. At the Winnipeg Canoe Club, Joyce spent many hours swimming, paddling, and basking in the sun. In her teens, Joyce loved attending university dances, wearing dazzling ball gowns made by her Mum. Perhaps these were Joyce’s formative fashionista years.
Joyce married Percy Daigle in 1940. Percy’s work took them to Edmonton where they began a family. In the 40s, Joyce got her first taste of camping and skiing. Dianne soon was born, and a few years later, Patrick. Family weekends and holidays meant skiing, camping, and hunting. When the kids were in their teens, Joyce went to work. Little-known fact: in the 1950s, Joyce worked for Edmonton Civil Defense; her office was in an underground bomb shelter three blocks from our house.
Joyce relished travel. Starting in mid-life, she ventured out with other gals who were up for an escapade. She and her friends travelled to Portugal, Greece, England, Hong Kong, Singapore, and Columbia. And of course, Joyce travelled the Snowbird Trail: California, Hawaii, Arizona, Mexico, Texas, and Aruba.
Joyce and Percy retired to Kelowna in 1978. For many years, Joyce volunteered at the Kelowna General Hospital and with the Sunshine Theatre. With a life-long zest for fitness, Joyce instigated, designed and guided twice-weekly exercise classes for Kelowna seniors, continuing this community service into her mid-70s.
In 2008, Joyce relocated to Victoria to be closer to family. She settled into a suite at Shannon Oaks Retirement Residence, where the staff welcomed her enthusiastically. In 2012, she moved to Sluggett House.
We, the family, appreciate the wonderful healing kindness and care of staff at Sluggett House. Also, we appreciate the thoughtful help and treatment she received at Saanich Peninsula Hospital. Over the past five years, without the underlying support of the Vancouver Island Health Authority, the care that Joyce received would not have been possible; for this we are grateful.
Joyce inspired us with her amiability, humour, smile, sparkling eyes, and fashion savvy. Today, she still inspires us.
Joyce was pre-deceased by her parents Graham and Margaret Wilson, husband Percy, son-in-law Jim Osborne, and sister Carol. Joyce leaves children Dianne Osborne and Patrick Daigle and his wife Jane, four grandchildren (Marnie, Michelle, Megan, and David), six great-grandchildren (Graham, Sydney, Keslee, Sam, Thomas, and Talia), nieces Glynis and Nadine, and nephew Graham.