He is survived by his beloved wife Joan, his two daughters Kareen (Bill Pearson) and Kathie (Tony Bavota), two granddaughters Jenna and Abby, and was the dear brother to Colleen and to Gerry (predeceased).
Jack truly lived life to the fullest and he shared laughter, fun and many a joke with everyone. He was a proud Albertan by birth, and an engineering graduate from the University of Alberta. He had long and accomplished careers at Shell Canada and Texaco Canada, was a good friend and mentor to many colleagues, and was often referred to as Smiling Jack. Work took him and his family back and forth across the country to settle in numerous neighbourhoods, allowing an opportunity to explore all parts of the country. Jack and Joan travelled extensively in the early years after retirement, and have kept up friendships across Canada and around the world; along with the terrific new friends they made after their move to Victoria.
Jack had always been incredibly handy and prepared to tackle any project. In retirement he was able to spend more time woodworking and building, and friends were often the recipients of beautiful pieces of furniture. Jack’s friendly whistle could be heard; anywhere, anytime – it signalled his happiness.
One of his favourite spots was at the head of the dinner table, surrounded by family and friends, with lively conversation, a great steak, and some red wine. He was a teacher always – he loved a great debate on any current news story and was never without an opinion. He pressed his family to do more, think more, learn more, and he was proud of his family’s achievements.
In the past decade, Jack selflessly and lovingly cared for Joan through her ongoing struggle with Alzheimer’s. He was a wonderful husband, a terrific Dad, a fun Papa and he will be greatly missed. His granddaughters say that the best Papa lessons are to always see the positives in life, and to love unconditionally. A private family service was held. Jack’s wishes were that friends share a memory, a laugh and raise a toast in remembrance. Jack volunteered and supported a great number of causes during his life. If you wish to make a Memorial Donation, please do so to a charity of your choice.