I lost my dear Mother, Joan Mergard. She was more than my mother; she was my friend, laughing partner, tv watching buddy and special crossword puzzle challenger. We laughed at so many things in the past few years of her life. She had a very strong sense of community, living in Tucson for 50 years, giving back and caring for others from friends and family to helping less fortunate. Mom was the only child of Brad and Ruth Helton, preceded in death was also baby daughter, Susanne Elizabeth, my older brother Bradley James, who passed away suddenly just before his 50th birthday. She lost the true love of her life, Victor Mergard Sr. They were close and loved each other very much. She enjoyed entertaining, making life more fun for everyone, for as long as she could. What she truly loved most (she said it often enough) was being a mother to my brother, and me, and of course, whatever dog we happened to have at the time. She was always involved and always caring for us. She is survived by me (her son) Brett Burton, grandchildren, Crystal Burton Thillet, Shane Burton and Zaniah Burton, daughters-in-law Amy Burton, my wife, and Zaniah Burton, widow of Brad. Both of them took great, loving care of my mother and for that, I will always love them. I have to say; she was fun and very loving. I will always miss her.
See ya Mom, love you,