Beloved wife of the late Frank Mercurio. Loving mother of Dominic (Joan) Mercurio and Anna (Art) Braun.
Loving Nana of Cris Sundquist, Karen (Eric) Gravett, Joe (Lisa) Braun and Mary (Brendan) Buckley. Adoring Great Grandma Nana to Cody & Josephine Sundquist, Olivia & Belle Braun and Ellie & Bobby Buckley. Our dear sister, aunt, sister-in-law, cousin, godmother and friend to many.
In lieu of flowers, memorial donations requested to the Sick & Elderly Program of The Hill, 2315 Macklind Ave., St. Louis, MO 63110.
Funeral Mass on Thursday, July 13 at 11AM at St. Ambrose Catholic Church, 5130 Wilson Ave., St. Louis, MO 63110. Visitation at St. Ambrose 10AM until time of Mass.